Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

You Might be Pagan If . . .

1. When you're sworn in in court, you bring your own grimoire.

2. You've been seen talking to cats. They talk back. You understand what they're saying.

3. When asked if you believe in God, you ask, "Which one?"

4. You know what "widdershins" means. You apply it.

5. You have an entire spice cabinet and you don't cook. You know that laurel and bay leaves are the
same thing.

6. You have a frequent buyer card at the local antique bookstore. The proprietor of said bookstore picks out anything to do with the Celts and saves it for you.

7. You think Mercedes Lackey should be a cultural icon.

8. You know that there are exceptions to the laws of physics. You've caused them.

9. The first thing your guests say is, "My, that's a nice...altar...you have there."

10. On Halloween, you yell "Happy New Year!" at passers-by.

11. You know that Christmas trees were originally pagan symbols. That's why you bought one.

12. You have friends who say they are elves. You believe them.

13. You commit blasphemy in the plural.

14. Upon dying, your first thought is, "Darn it, not AGAIN."

15. When you say "Mother Nature," you don't mean it in an anthropomorphic way.

16. Gaia is NOT the lady on Captain Planet.

17. You think The Mists of Avalon should be a religious text. You use it as such.

18. In Religion 100, you were disappointed because they didn't cover YOUR gods.

19. You know that there is a right way and a wrong way to draw a pentacle. You can explain the difference.

20. You've spent the last year and a half looking for a familiar.

21. You talk to trees. They talk back.

22. You know dragons and fae exist. You've seen them.

23. Painting yourself blue, spiking your hair, and dancing naked around a bonfire sounds like large amounts of fun.

24. You've seen "The Craft." You know where they were making stuff up in "The Craft." You have explained this to other people. You can do it better than they did it in "The Craft." You know it's a load of baloney.

25. You understand the symbolism behind a maypole.

26. You've ever ended a phone call with "so mote it be."

27. Your children go around telling people that "the Goddess loves you."

28. You're reading this page. You understand what it's talking about. You have more to add.

Views: 28


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Comment by bratchild on December 20, 2008 at 4:20pm
You sent you children to catholic school so they could understand what is wrong with the rest of the world, and then taught their friends the true meaning of Samhain by inviting them to circle.
Comment by Ffawn on December 15, 2008 at 1:26pm
To funny!!! I have one to add;
29. People call you witch instead of B*tch.
Thanks for the laugh.

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