Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

well one of my roommates is bailing, and moving out not that I blame him I just know I'll be in for some rough times ahead. Though in truth it would have ether been myself or him to leave first. Though now it all feels like all the responsibility will fall on me to make sure certain things are done. Normally I would be fine with that though one of the reasons he gave seemed more like an excuse, and yet I couldn't/can't fault him for it. The first reason was because he wanted to move in with his girl friend and get her away from her X who she has been stuck living with. which you know is totally acceptable. (Besides I think they make a great couple :p ) that much was understandable his other excuse was my roommate Josh (the one who had trouble paying his bills) He gave the excuse that he was tired of dealing with all of his lies, and that he didn't feel that it would be wise to be around him for the most part.

other then that I'm happy for I'm doing something I have not done in a long time. I'm working on an actual story ^_^ I'm not sure how far I will get though and still have no title yet for it though. ^^; The title is for me the hardest thing to come up with. So far I like where it's headed though at the same time when it comes to doing story's I'm a novice. That said lol any helpful tips, or advice would be greatly appreciated

Well hope all have a blessed day, and thanks for taking the time to read this if you did.

Peace and love,
Cameron S.

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