Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

There was a time in my life when I felt like something was missing
a void deep within my soul which I could not fill no matter what I tried.
One day I felt my breaking point! I ask the creator please show me
what I am lacking what is it that I am suposed to be doing why do I
feel such a loss or lack of what is wrong with me.
These questions weighed on my mind all day long then later that
night when I fell asleep I had the most amazing dream. I was in a park
many children were running, swinging and playing the laughter I could
hear was so warming my spirit felt like this is where you belong. To my
amazment a little girl no more than two years old came running up to me
mommy mommy did you see what I did she was saying. Well my eyes
went wide I looked behind me to see where the childs mother was but before
I knew what I was doing I had sweapt this child up in my arms and I was spinning
round and round with her watching her beautiful smile and listening to her laugh
I laughed along with her and I felt at peace with the world.
She had my eyes but they were brown, her hair was the same color as mine and
it was shouldre length all in curls. I knew she was a part of me I hugged her
so tight. We walked and talked I explained how the flowers grow from such a tiny seed
and we picked fuzzy dandilions and blew them while making wishes.
My wish was for her, and I think hers was for me. I ask her name and she giggled
and said you know my name is Shawna Bell I laughed too and left it at that.
As I woke from the dream I no longer felt loss, or something missing I allowed this
wonderful dream to fill my void. I hoped I would see her again in my dreams.
Well to my suprize 2 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant I was like OH
MY GOD because I had tried for several years to have a child and I was told due
to a condition called pollycystic ovarian syndrom I would never be a mother so
you can imagine my shock lol.
Well I had the dream a couple times durring my pregnancy I was always glad to have it
I could never get the little girls face out of my mind. Well when my daughter was born
I named her Shawna De'Ann Richelle and I called her Shawna Bell for short. When Shawna
was two years old my brother called around easter time he said he and his wife had gotten
my daughter a dress I said oh you didnt have to I was going to get her one and he said well
you know how Windi is and we had a laugh about it because Windi was always doing things
for the kids. We were at my mothers for easter and when my brother came he told Shawna aunt windi wants you inside she has something pretty for you. Shawna treked off to the inside and I was sitting with
my mother talking. A few moments later the back door opened and out bounced my little girl all dressed up in a pink dress all satin and lacey she ran to me at this same moment I realized Oh my god this is the dream I have had over the years the same child the same dress running up to me calling out mommy mommy. I sweapt her up and spun her around it was her I couldnt believe that I didnt realize it before. I held her so close to me telling her I love her weeping she looked at me and said whats wrong mommy? Why are you crying I said I dont know. She patted my back and said it is ok mommy and I knew it was it was just so emotional and odd to me what was stranger than anything is when I sat her down to go play. She picked a fuzzy dandilion and held it up to me then asked, Mommy do you want to make a wish, I droped to my knees because they just felt so weak. I pulled her into my lap and told her she was my wish come true she laughed and blew the dandiloin then looked at me before she ran off to play and said you are my wish come true to mommy.

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Comment by Eternity on December 9, 2008 at 4:54am
Thank you so much for your kind comment. Yes she is indeed a blessing from the Creator such a gifted child also.

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