Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

These are some random thoughts that I have had recently and just wanted to air them out. Mind you, please don't feel that you have to reply. However, if you do, keep it civil.

It bothers me most that the people that worship a GOD that they (the GOD's followers) claim is a kind and loving GOD, hate me and in some cases threaten me with violent.

Of the three major religions of the world (you know who you are) all claim to worship the same GOD. All at the same time that they are killing the others.

Now while I do hear of disagreements amongst are own ranks. I have not hear of Wiccans shooting Druids. Or those of the eastern schools of thought car bombing those of a western school of thought.
And yet we are look at as the eaters of babies. Killers without remorse.
Now I understand that a lot of the negative hype is due to the church and Hollywood. Are we helping are own image?
Most of us are too afraid to even let others around us know who we are, or what we worship.
I can walk though any town in the world and find a church, mosque, or temple.
Okay, in some countries I understand that announcing that you are a pagan can still get you killed or at least tossed into jail. But this USA and I think there is enough of us if we come out of the broom closet to some heads pop out of there holes and take notice. But that doesn't seem to be the case. Why is that? I just came back to the path and I am surprised by the covert nature of paganism of the majority of those around me.

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