Every year I meet a woman who declares me "the green man" and every year she invites me to Beltane but she always proves herself unworthy before the ceremony. They see wild animals respond to my voice. The weather change with my mood. They see me play my flute. They feel the maypole opening them up like never before. I give her the best sex she's ever had in her life but not as good as it could be. I won't give her the whole enchilada because she can't prove herself worthy of that station. Every woman desires to be touched the way I touch her and pleasured the way I pleasure her. Sometimes I decide to pleasure a woman in a way she never knew possible or even ever thought of before.... They all love what I do for them but none of them love me so none of them can go to Beltane as my date. They don't believe in me because when they see me in my true form, they think I'm pretending like the other men who come dressed as "the green man"
Hell! Most of them don't even know my real name. Nobody knows where I came from and even fewer still know of the changes I've undertaken. Many think that my mask is actually my face. They don't believe I'm him because they don't believe I exist. They only come to the ceremony because they know all the men will dote over them and lavish them with attention in an attempt to pleasure them like I do but none of them can.
You witches need several men each to give you a measure of lust big enough to satisfy you because they don't measure up. Now when I walk into your midst, you're too stuck on the idea that you need so many men that you can't break away from them long enough to discover what I have for you. If I catch one of you single long enough and I don't scare her away with the intensity of my aura, then I spend a little time getting to know her. The more I tell her of myself, the less she believes and the more I ask her about herself, the less she reveals. They're always too afraid to lose me if they show themselves to me and they all end up losing me because they won't open up to me and be themselves.
Think about it crones! Would one of the greatest lovers ever to walk the earth be willing to share his sex partners with other men? Would you serve up your scraps and leftovers as an offering to your god?!?!?! Would you expect a Demigod to settle for garbage and leftovers scraped from the edge of your plates? If you can't break yourself away from all the pretenders long enough to meet me then perhaps I will have to go to a christian church to find my date. Maybe I'll go take some sexually repressed woman who's confused and lost but trying her best to be good and I'll go show her what the meaning of pleasure is. Then I'll show her the truth about her religion and convert her to Druidism. When she's proven that she's worthy of my unconditional and never ending love, then and only then will I show humankind what sex is supposed to be like. I'll take her and make love to her in front of all of you so that you men can see how it's supposed to be done and you women can see what you missed out on while you were busy playing those games with all the pretenders and those fat hairy men who dress up like pan. I have found very few of you to be faithful followers for the cause of protecting the earth. Most of you are in this for no other reason than to gain social standing with friends or to get lavished with lust.
I tell you that soon the earth will turn her crust under and all those who are caught unaware will be turned under to fertilize the next crop. The time of awakening is at hand and any who are seeking after their own selfish desires and walking over other people to get them will not be spared. This place can no longer sustain the abuse you humans continue to pour out. My heart is open and my back is strong but I grow weary of carrying your load. I grow weary of regrowing life only so that you can destroy it.
When the last tree has fallen, the last stalk of grain is dead, when every river stops flowing, every field is poisoned, every ocean polluted, every fish is dead and not a single blade of grass will grow....then and only then will you greedy people understand that we can't eat your money or gold.
You must learn to share and by sharing I mean not taking what's not yours. Just because you see more than enough there doesn't mean you should take it all for yourself. When I see you take the food you need and then take the food your brother needs too and then I see your brother go without because you hold food you don't need and then the extra which you took from him only sits and rots and gets thrown out on the ground....it makes me sick. When I see a good man without the pleasure of a woman and an evil man who enjoys the pleasure of many...it makes me sick. I blame you women for encouraging his evil behavior by rewarding his evil with good. You make me sick.
I tell you all, the day is soon coming when you will know that you were a glutton and you will be too fat and lazy to escape what is to come.
not all women wish to make love to the green man. Lust is a thick heavy cement in which many of us are stuck. barely braking the surface of true love. Many people hide from love in their beds afraid of losing their chance with someone better such as you. It matters not the visual aspects of a persons face nor does it matter their voice or their strength or power. A persons heart can weigh itself hate and death weigh down on the heart paining them. But little do they know there is a lighter weight that can fill them whole called love. All deserve it but none can control it. I have made love to only one man and i wish it to stay that way although i am young i am wiser than my age. my heart has been scathed and has been lavished i let in anyone whom wishes to enter. greenman if it is you and not a fake then know a woman will come your way. Love made by your true love is the best you can get. and that is why you havnt given them the whole because you cant not until they love you and someone will.
Really? How sad for you! I fear you've become so blighted by those around you that you cannot look past it to see the blessings of life. So sorry. All I felt from your post was pain and hate and mysoginy. my heart breaks for you.
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