Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Love is what we want
love is what we need
love is what we can see in others eyes

We all need love
but it is up to us to find it
the way we look
is the way we will find it
if you give up you will be lost for life

when you can just sit there and hold some one
that is love
when you have thoughts running through about that person
that is love
when you tell that person that you love them all the time but you feel like you can't say it enough
that is love

when you can look into their eyes see every thing you want in them
that is love
when you can just sit there on the phone and not say any thing but still love the hearing them breath
that is love
when all you is to go to bed and wake and just hear their voice
that is love

when you like getting mad at them but you just can't
that is love
when all you want to do is lay in bed with them and just talk and do nothing but talk
that is love
when you hear songs and you think to your self that is my lover
that is love

when you look at the moon and know that you lover is just think about you as much as you are thinking about them
that is love
when you just want to call them to make sure they are fine even if you just got off the phone with them
that is love
when nothing and no one else matter other then your lover
that is love

when you feel like they are just the most perfect person one this earth
that is love
when you are upset and your lover can make u smile
that is love
when you can just walk down the street even tho you are gay or not and it does not matter what others are saying
that is love

to me this how I feel what love means and how it should be no matter weather others say

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Comment by anand on June 1, 2009 at 10:53am
how true you are......love,
Comment by Kodi Jimenez on May 31, 2009 at 2:42pm
Honey, this is wonderful. It sums up exactly how I feel about you. Many nights in my life have been wasted thinking whether I would find the one for me. I feel a bit foolish now looking back at that. When I read this, my breath caught in my chest and my heart skipped a beat. How lucky am I to have you in my life, to show me what I can be, what I was put here for, and who I truly am. I am yours.

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