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Who is an Empath?

Empaths are often poets in motion. They are the born writers, singers, and artists with a high degree of creativity and imagination. They are known for many talents as their interests are varied, broad and continual, loving, loyal and humorous. They often have interests in many cultures and view them with a broad-minded perspective. They are mother, father, child, friend, nurse, caregiver, teacher, doctor, sales people... to psychic, clairvoyant, healer, etc. (That is not to say that any of these categories are all empaths.) The list is extensive and really unimportant. It is more important to notice that empaths are everywhere--in every culture and throughout the world

Empaths Are Good Listeners

They will find themselves helping others and often putting their own needs aside to do so. In the same breath, they can be much the opposite. They may be quiet, withdrawn from the outside world, loners, depressed, neurotic, life's daydreamers, or even narcissistic

They are most often passionate towards nature and respect its bountiful beauty. One will often find empaths enjoying the outdoors, beaches, walking, etc. Empaths may find themselves continually drawn to nature as a form of release. It is the opportune place to recapture their senses and gain a sense of peace in the hectic lives they may live. The time to get away from it all and unwind with nature becomes essential to the empath. Animals are often dear to the heart of empaths, not as a power object, but as a natural love. It is not uncommon for empaths to have more than one pet in their homes

Traits of an Empath

Empaths are often quiet and can take a while to handle a compliment for they're more inclined to point out another's positive attributes. They are highly expressive in all areas of emotional connection, and talk openly, and, at times, quite frankly in respect to themselves. They may have few problems talking about their feelings

However, they can be the exact opposite: reclusive and apparently unresponsive at the best of times. They may even appear ignorant. Some are very good at blocking out others and that's not always a bad thing, at least for the learning empath struggling with a barrage of emotions from others, as well as their own feelings

Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them more so than what is inside of them. This can cause empaths to ignore their own needs. In general an empath is non-violent, non-aggressive and leans more towards being the peacemaker. Any area filled with disharmony creates an uncomfortable feeling in an empath. If they find themselves in the middle of a confrontation, they will endeavor to settle the situation as quickly as possible, if not avoid it all together. If any harsh words are expressed in defending themselves, they will likely resent their lack of self-control, and have a preference to peacefully resolve the problem quickly

Empaths are sensitive to TV, videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Violence or emotional dramas depicting shocking scenes of physical or emotional pain inflicted on adults, children or animals can bring an empath easily to tears. At times, they may feel physically ill or choke back the tears. Some empaths will struggle to comprehend any such cruelty, and will have grave difficulty in expressing themselves in the face of another's ignorance, closed-mindedness and obvious lack of compassion. They simply cannot justify the suffering they feel and see. Empaths can also feel sensitivity to bright lights, Notices subtle changes in the atmosphere, Needs to retreat within themselves to become focused, May have a tendency towards alcohol or drugs to escape at some time in life from all the stimuli or confusion around them, Loves children and children love them, Often have premonition-type dreams, Prone to migraines and tense muscles, Often get involved with people who have a lot of problems, (Thus leaving ourselves open to getting hurt deeply because of trying to help others) Feel that we have a "mission" in life to make others understand, Will often tolerate a lot more abuse than other people do, even though we are hurt deeply, ALWAYS misunderstood by others, Insensitive people tend to think that we are mentally ill or wacko, Often thought to be hypochondriacs by Dr's, because we are prone to sickness that comes from others (i.e. Test results may show nothing, but we are still sick nevertheless), Can feel physical or mental pain from long distances, (Such as from people we are close to), Feels an affinity with willow trees, Empaths usually work in a helping profession or are poets, musicians or artists, Tires easily and naps frequently, Attracted to gems and crystals, See through people into their souls and beyond their masks or games (A lot of people are afraid for this reason , Are often looked upon as being soft, stupid or an easy pushover, Usually have a great sense of humor, They are the best listeners on earth!, Very faithful as a friend they are likely to be extremly understanding and loyal

People of all walks of life and animals are attracted to the warmth and genuine compassion of empaths. Regardless of whether others are aware of one being empathic, people are drawn to them as a metal object is to a magnet! They are like beacons of light

Even complete strangers find it easy to talk to empaths about the most personal things, and before they know it, they have poured out their hearts and souls without intending to do so consciously. It is as though on a sub-conscious level that person knows instinctively that empaths would listen with compassionate understanding

Here are the listeners of life. Empaths are often problem solvers, thinkers, and studiers of many things. As far as empaths are concerned, where a problem is, so too is the answer. They often will search until they find one--if only for peace of mind

Empaths are often very affectionate in personality and expression, great listeners and counselors (and not just in the professional area)
Wishing Love and Light to All! -Be Blessed (courtesy of the Wiccan Glade)

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Comment by Floyda Lynch on May 25, 2012 at 10:52pm

Wow are you sure you weren't talking to some of my co-workers about me? LOL

Comment by Lady Vicious on December 4, 2008 at 12:11am

I can really relate to this. Almost too much. lol. I am working on developing my abilities now. Thanks for making me feel as though i'm not completely alone in this world!

Hugs and blessings,

Comment by Ffawn on November 24, 2008 at 2:53pm
You all are very welcome! Glad you found it helpful. Hang in there, Jessica. One day you will know that you were given the gift for a reason and you will understand it more as a gift than a curse. Be patient, it will happen. Wishing you Love and Light Always! -Be Blessed
Comment by Jessica on November 23, 2008 at 4:09pm
i hate being a learning empath!!!!! i just figured out how to block everthing out but still things are driving me nuts!! i'm 18 and i feel like i'm 100 years old. so not cool.
Comment by bratchild on November 20, 2008 at 8:32pm
I come from a long line of women with "gifts" . I didn't realize that I was an empath until I was in my 20's and was introduced to Wicca. With that introduction came a language for what I felt and was. I think, from personal experience that empaths can be very good co-dependents, as you said, putting others before themselves and possible making themselves sick in the process. I learned to build strong mental barriers when going out into the world at large, as so many people simply ooze pain and I couldn't let myself simply absorb it. I am lucky now to have a partner who is also an empath, We have created a home that is comfortable for us and I guess you could say that we tend to be hermits by comparison to non-empaths we know. I am a crystal healer, singer, harpist, and my husband is an artist professionally. We have 2 wolf - hybrid dogs that I know for a fact our empathic abilities have made it possible for us to train. I wish that I had had access to your article 27 years ago when I didn' t understand what the "noise in my head" meant. It would have answered so many questions. Blessings to you.
Comment by Jessica on November 20, 2008 at 12:55am
thanks again!
Comment by Ffawn on November 19, 2008 at 11:26pm
Meditation and/ or grounding with your favorite tree or carrying a grounding stone like Hematite may help you to focus, or you could try using an amethest or Lapis Lazuli stone to enhance your gift. Just cleanse your stones and touch them or wear them next to your skin when you wish to add a little boost.
Comment by Jessica on November 19, 2008 at 11:15pm
thank you thank you thank you. After reading this I would have to agree with you... this blog describes me throughly. I love to write and i tend to go into myself to focus. I shall have to look into this deeper. Is there a way to expand, like open my range almost? i must really fin out more.... thank you very much, this has haelped me in more ways than you know!

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