Potentially she is every woman who reaches maturity in body and spirit. Older women who obtain wisdom through life experience. No knowledge is forbidden in our Source, there is only that which is unknowable . We are to increase our intelligence through real understanding in harmlessness. To become a Goddess is not without effort. Harmlessness and correct action in conscious will are necessary and at times these principals of Wicca can be very difficult. Striving to be a vegan is not easy, but when it is done for the right reasons, for the sake of another not human, it will yield results in conscious will. A Goddess has strong opinions and she voices them, she is never of the mute Mary who is only known through a son. A Goddess speaks loudly and from her heart where the SOURCE of ALL is understood through the soul. She is of water, the dark and the moon, He of fire , the light and the sun. With HER words of strong opinion she tempers the god, and a balance is struck in equality through the soul that is of human continuance. Through the Source of all things who did NOT chose the vessel of a MAN to be known upon Earth.
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