Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

When I first looked upon his handsome face I could see that it had been weathered. Time and the elements had taken their toll. I placed my hand against his it was rough to the touch yet ever so gentle. At that moment I realized he had been through so much.

He was a soldier you could tell by his skin he had been cold you could tell by the look in his eyes he was afraid to love. Perhaps all that he had ever put alot into had abandoned him yet he would never hurt me.

His overall presance that of a knight in shining armor which over time had become tarnished yet he was the same inside, such a beautiful man of which like I had never seen.

A protector of the meek, children and animals, wise and kind to the deserving responsible and loving yet so frightened to recieve any in return. I could not believe such a wonderful man had been abused so badly then I realized this had happened because he was so self sacrificing. Giving up his own happiness and well being so that others could have better lives even if it was just a small jester.

This only made me love him more.

Most do not believe in love at first sight, but it is true and I will spend the rest of my life tring to make my knight happy because through it all in that breif moment of clairity I realized that I too am weathered hiding behind a happy mask of which I need not hide no more.

By Rena for Bryan my knight in shining armor.

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