Why does one feel it is ok to make their loved one an emotional punchingbag? Is it that how we as human beings really get a positive feeling prostheleizeing, belittling, and lecturing?
The reason I ask is that I come from a family with mental illness and mood disorders. Being the middle child was everything and more that they say it is in the books.
I'm not sure if this is why I'm what is considered an Empath or if I would have been one even if my childhood had been Idillic.
I do know this it has given me an insight into the Sociology of our society today.
Everytime I start to feel sorry for myself I remember it could have been worse I could feel nothing. I could have chosen the easy way and gone numb. Instead of a mood disorder I could have let myself become a Sociopath. That for me is the worst kind of life a sould eating illness. Don't get me wrong I don't condemn those who went down that path I identify with you. Sometimes instead of a lecture a hug does more. Instead of a scream a kind gentle voice teaches humility.
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