Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

The vulture is a member of the raptor family. They feed exclusively on carrion and perform a very useful function by disposing of potential sources of disease. The Pueblo Indians saw the vulture as a sign of purification and the Greeks considered it to be a symbol of transformation. As old decayed flesh was removed new life emerged. These amazing birds are vital for the health and well being of mankind and all other life forms.

The Andean Condor is the largest of the vultures with a wingspan of up to 12 feet. In North America, the Turkey Vulture is the most common. The California Condor however is now on the verge of extinction. It once had a range from British Columbia to Florida but has now been reduced to about 60 individuals. Some native tribes believe that this reduction is the cause behind the increased number of diseases and viruses of unknown origins now affecting mother earth.

Vultures are adaptable and have a keen sense of smell which they use to locate food. Because the vulture has weak feet and short talons they cannot tear or grasp their prey as other birds do and must rely on the remains of anothers kill for their food source. Their trust in the creative force to provide for them is unshakable. This trust is one of the main teachings they offer those that hold this medicine.

Although the vulture is a somewhat homely bird in appearance they are magnificent in flight gliding through the heavens with a grace unsurpassed by most other birds. They ride the thermals and wind borne currents with little effort soaring for hours without flapping their wings. They know how to use what is available to them to the fullest extent and teach us how to be resourceful and innovative with what we have.

When this medicine is fully developed those with this totem can accomplish great things in life. Resourceful and patient they have the ability to stay focused on their goal despite influences that try to distract them. They have the ability to initiate the pure force of spirit into every thought they have and every action they perform.

Many people don't like vultures because of an impression that, since they feed off carrion, they must be unclean birds. The truth is that vultures are actually quite clean, and they perform the valuable service of eliminating the remains of decaying animals. This is one of the gifts the vulture holds for us, the cleaning up of messes. Many times we create physical and psychic messes that we don't want to deal with. The vulture can guide us to the efficient and joyful resolution of such problems. If vulture has flown into your life you are being asked to remedy a messy situation and turn it into something positive.

If however, messes seem somehow to always be around you, eventually you will end up with a reputation for attracting and creating problems. This can put you in a bad light, like the vulture. Learn from vultures example and clean up your act to avoid getting an unfavorable reputation.

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