well the end of two thousand and nine ended on a bad note and two thousand and ten begin on a bad note,so right now my life has changed drastic.
Yes i am dealing with alot of thing going on and people who i thought were friend leaving ,like the saying goes when times get tough you find out who your true friends are,well for me the list got smaller and smaller until i had nothing left to give and honestly i do not have anything left its all gone. and going away ,my mother in the process of dying never knowing when the call will come saying she is gone,so i do not sleep very well or very long ,me being sick alot and a lousy living situation always worrying about the bill getting paid so we have a home,campbell has carried a large part of that because his nime is the name of the leasee who is responcible so he want to protect his credit,Yes ge helped me as i in turned helped him we worked together in this but others took advantage on his kindness ,so he become angry and distant and they still do not have a clue he does not want to support them,but i can not do anything about that ,who am i ,so yes i am thankful that he was there for me and let him know,as he has also thanked me ,but that is what friends and brothers do for each other / with no where to go or no one to count on i have not even found a job after a year of looking.
Yes i am venting,its my page and my right, never thought that my life would go this far down the sewers ,i am at the bottom of shit . so i am going to close this now because in the end what does it matter ,things are too far gone to fix, i do not know any more nor do i trust people who say trust me,yea right *trust is given to freely by me and i have been burn to many times in the last year ,so fuck no i am not giving trust that easy any longer.
so you wanted me hurt and destroyed YOU GOT YOUR WISHES. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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