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Universal Laws that effect The Craft & The Secret (LOA).

Hello All

The Universal Laws control & effect both The Craft & The Secret (LOA). So just what are these laws. Well if you looked my last two blogs you would already know. But for you that didn’t read them ( which is most likely everyone ) I’ll go over them again.
1: Law of Gratitude 2: Law of Attraction 3: Law of Karma 4: Law of Love 5: Law of allowing 6: Law of vibration.
These are the six laws that everyone dealing with The Secret talk about. There a few more Laws then that. Here is one that the Gurus of The Secret don't talk about much..
7: Law of Destiny.
I’m going to deal with Two of the Laws in this Blog, Law of Karma & Law of Destiny.
The Law of Destiny; determines what forces shapes our lives to guarantee we encounter the life experiences that we require for our continued development. Destiny is essentially a series of opportunities that enable us to learn lessons, acquire new abilities, develop our consciousness and help others. Destiny is commonly regarded as Fate. the words are often used interchangeably, Fate and Destiny have quite different meanings:
Fate is usually seen as “set in stone”. Fate predetermines and orders the course of events. It means that events are “meant to be” and are set in motion by an external force or intelligence. Destiny is more of a likely outcome and often has a positive feel, Destiny guides us towards a specific goal, but without our taking action we will not accomplish our destiny. Put simply: Destiny is Opportunity and Fate is Karma. We are in control of our Destiny but have no control over our Fate. Destiny gives us an opportunity to turn a situation to our advantage and accomplish something great through our own efforts. It is designed to give us the best opportunities for the development of our consciousness, but it is only an outline – not an exact script. It doesn’t detract from our free-will in any way, because we decide exactly how we want to act in any situation.
The Law of Karma; (Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”), meaning the consequences of one’s actions. The word “karma” is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word “merit” is often used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as “cause and effect” because every action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects ( 3 times good, 3 times bad ). In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. In each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma and reap the benefits of some of our previous good karma. So you can see have a very strong impact on both The Crart & The Secret (and that I left out a lot of the humor I useally put in my Blogs ( Some people around here just don't have a sense of humor or they are as humorlees as a dead cod)).
But as always there is more to this story, but I'll leave you all this for now... With that said I bid you all...

Good night...

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