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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Once I had to keep telling myself "This is just how life is." Upon my evaluation of that, my emotions would seem to be the main factor in my conclusion. Now as an adult I wander back into retrospect of my life I realize I got fucked yes thats right f**ked because all my emotional issues were addressed as either a disorder or depression and the cure for that was within a pill pfft!
I believe no one has a set destiny that can not be changed, we all as we take differant paths in our lives set the foundation of our destiny. This begins as a teenager, which brings me to better understand the imfamous teenage rebelion.

My advise to you is this, as you reach out and grasp control of your lives keep in mind to do so with this wisdom, all that you achieve now is the very base of the future. The knowledge you obtain durring these times will be what you have to build on for the rest of your lives.

For example lets say you want to be a doctor, and you realize this is what is in your heart, but your parents as responsible adults or elders of such kinds are obligated to point out hey now look you have other talents in differant areas which would infact inable you to make more money you should consider them aswell. Yes this can be a little complex.

Well money is nice but happiness is most important, all the money in the world can't buy off regret. Though you may have amazing skills in accounting your interests may be computers, if you decide to go for something that would be an easy fix your not going to be happy with yourself in the long run, no matter how sucsesful you are. The point is always work hard to achieve the things you really want.

That in its self will set down the foundation that you are a go getter, highly motivated people are most often known to posess multitalents, in the long run that will give you more options to choose from when it comes to making longterm life choices.

Alot of people will tell you, "Don't spread yourself to thin" Well that would be true if you honestly really feel that you can't handle it. Alot of people who are for example major players in real esstate, may have degrees in computers or psycology they may be acomplished musicians and published photographers. thing is don't set limits on yourself just because Jane Doe may tell you all of this is unnessary and wont help you in the future "bullshit" self gratification builds self confidence to hell with what others think use your own instinct and make yourself all that you want and know you can be.

Im at a loss on what has happened to some parents these days, it seems more and more young people are suffering from depression and related disorders. These children start expressing and reaching out for help like they have been told they can and wow! look at this parents cart their children off to a doctor have a lable slaped on them as some type of disorder and then try to cure it with a pill or counsiling from someone they don't even know. Sad when they could have the courage to embrace the child and say "Im sorry dear I know things arn't always the way we want them to be, but we can work on this together and Im sure we will find some way to overcome it.

No pill on this planet can take away the feeling of being alone in pain, no counsilor can make a child feel secure and accepted by a parent or mentor not to mention the the strength our children can find inside when we parents tell them "Im sure things will be ok I will do everything I can to help you because I love you and your feelings are important to me"

Hopelessness does'nt seem so hopeless when a person has a strong hand to cling to especialy one they look up to, sadly though some people can't or wont take the time to do that, for those kids or adults on the other end of that I will say this to you.

You are not a weakling, no matter how things look you have always been strong you have made it this far don't break now. Most anything can be changed and if no one will help you do it yourself never yeild to unhappiness that sucks major. Sometimes in life you will find that you are your only strength, take all that you know, all that you are and can be then force your head up because when it comes right down to it only you can be the one to change yourself anyway having someone to help you to do so is great but in the end it takes your own will to make it so.

I am not saying that there isnt those out there that don't need the help of medication, because they are many, my point is those whom don't need it know who they are and shouldnt allow themselves labled as such to merely have an excuse or find an easy explanation for their problems. People get worn down and give in at times there is no shame in that were human, but to allow oneself to be consumed, controlled and labled incorrectly is only going to lead to more problems and disorders indeed.

Sometimes all a person can do when they wakeup is say "well ive survived another day" if that be the case survive another just for the spite of things with the knowledge that someday you will find the peace within that you seek. believe me when you do it will be well worth it and then you can begin to heal knowing all of which you have been through has in some form or fashion made you a stronger person, and with the wisdom of that you can better understand and help your own children or loved ones having being at one time in their shoes so to speak.

When you have nothen to loose then you must have something to gain.

[By: Rena][All Copyrights by Eternity & The Eternal Order Of Light

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Comment by erthgoddss on December 10, 2008 at 7:06am
Absolutely! I was a psych nurse for a lot of years. At one hospital I worked in there were 3 wings. One was for adults (the wing I worked on) one was for teens and one was for children. It didn't take me long to discover that for the teens it was a "status symbol" for them to be locked up in a mental ward. I can never explain why... but it was something they bragged about. The childrens unit broke my heart... especially when they brought a 3 year old in for admittance. Yup.. that's right... 3 years old. The reason she was admitted? "her behaviour was out of control". What 3 year old do you know that has controlled behaviours? The mien age was 6 and that was bad.. but when they admitted a child that was that young it sickened me and I asked the same question "What are parents doing to their children?"

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