Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

As I quietly allow my mind to drift into retrospect, wandering memories I had long sense almost forgotten, I slip away to a place most beautiful, a place from my childhood my secret sanctuary, where I often found myself. In the valley not far from my home there was a small brook which traveled past, the eroded mountain had left behind huge rocks and tree roots shaping it into one of the most wonderful miniature waterfalls I have ever seen. There was honeysuckle to the right it covered half way up the hillside, and to the left were many different types of plants, moss and flowers. Along the bends of the creek their was a spot of sand the sun would warm it for the better part of the day, making it a perfect spot to sit during the evening and watch all of the little animals scurry about collecting food and playing.

This is where I found peace during those chaotic times where all hardships seemed to be swept away with the passing waters, Funny how as children we at some point in time brush against understanding this huge universe, how everything around us seems to hold a special purpose of its very own all linked together into what we call the circle of life. The trees would shade and feed the small woodland creatures, the rocks and mountain side sheltered them from harsh weather, even the sweet smelling honeysuckle provided the bumble bees with pollen and in return their tiny bodies would ocassionaly carry seed and drop them in different areas. Above all the small scene provided myself with a momentary escape from my troubled existence.

I would sit and just watch, listen to all the sounds of nature around me, sometimes I would count exactly how many different things I could hear or skip stones across or into the water and watch the circling ripples disappear. I took this time to make future plans and ponder what I wanted to be when I grew up, often I would remind myself of things I was to remember to never do as an adult, such things that had hurt my feelings or made me sad. During that brief period in my life I had never considered leaving to far away from my little sanctuary within the valley this must have helped carry me through those times of grief and pain I was suffering due to the loss of my father.

Even now at times I wonder if the tiny brook and waterfall are still there, knowing it has been immortalized in my mind through a short rhyme I had written there as that child, it stayed with me all of these years as if it were a part of me.
I look across the mountian top, seems as if the world has stopped, warm the sun against my skin, this beauty Ill keep deep within, waters flowing over there, wind I catch within my hair, amazing sights here in this space, never falling short from grace. Mother nature , father time thank you for this place of mine, immortal shall it be always deep inside of me.

And with that I will close this now to allow this wonderful memory to bless me once again before I fall asleep, I hope I can feel such peace during my slumber escaping the world as I visit my little sanctuary in my dreams like I did many times so long ago....

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Comment by Eternity on December 13, 2008 at 3:10am
I will share mine with you Dragon. We will find our own little sanctuary :)

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