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The Universal Laws: How they effect both The Craft & The Secret (LOA). (Really Up-dated)

Hello Everyone
This blog is what the last one should have looked like when it was finshed. This one is a little long but it has a lot of information. So grab your drink and sit back and enjoy and do feel free to leave comments. I want to see just how every one thinks... never know I might learn something new...
So just what are these laws. Well if you looked my last two blogs you would already know. But for you that didn’t read them ( which is most likely everyone ) I’ll go over them again.1: Law of Gratitude 2: Law of Attraction 3: Law of Karma 4: Law of Love 5: Law of allowing 6: Law of vibration.These are the six laws that everyone dealing with The Secret talk about. There a few more Laws then that. Here is one that the Gurus of The Secret don't talk about much..7: Law of Destiny.I’m going to deal with Two of the Laws in this Blog, Law of Karma & Law of Destiny.
The Law of Destiny; determines what forces shapes our lives to guarantee we encounter, the life experiences that we require for our continued development. Destiny is essentially a series of opportunities that enable us to learn lessons, acquire new abilities, develop our consciousness and help others. Destiny is commonly regarded as Fate. the words are often used interchangeably, Fate and Destiny have quite different meanings:Fate is usually seen as “set in stone”. Fate predetermines and orders the course of events. It means that events are “meant to be” and are set in motion by an external force or intelligence. Destiny is more of a likely outcome and often has a positive feel, Destiny guides us towards a specific goal, but without our taking action we will not accomplish our destiny. Put simply: Destiny is Opportunity and Fate is Karma. We are in control of our Destiny but have no control over our Fate. Destiny gives us an opportunity to turn a situation to our advantage and accomplish something great through our own efforts. It is designed to give us the best opportunities for the development of our consciousness, but it is only an outline – not an exact script. It doesn’t detract from our free-will in any way, because we decide exactly how we want to act in any situation.
The Law of Karma; (Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”), meaning the consequences of one’s actions. The word “karma” is commonly used to indicate bad karma, and the word “merit” is often used to indicate good karma. The law of karma is best described as “cause and effect” because every action (or cause) has a corresponding consequence (or effect). If you plant good causes you will reap good effects, and if you plant bad causes you will reap bad effects ( 3 times good, 3 times bad unless your in China then it's 4 times good, 4 times bad. ( I can live with the 4 times good, but that 4 times bad I got to think about)). In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. In each incarnation we suffer the consequences of some of our previous bad karma and reap the benefits of some of our previous good karma.
In each incarnation we acquire some bad karma and some good karma. During the early stages of our human evolution we all acquired large amounts of bad karma which must be gradually worked off. Because many people still have much more bad karma than good, seemingly favorable circumstances often have a sting in their tail. This is evident from the tumultuous lives of some celebrities and the people whose lives have been ruined by winning the lottery
Think of your karma as being two bank accounts – one for good karma and one for bad karma. Good karma can either be “spent” on pleasurable life circumstances or it can be used to “pay off” some of our bad karma. Less-developed people nearly always choose the first option; while more-developed people usually choose the second. This explains some of the B.S in life where honest and hardworking people live in poverty while selfish and corrupt people live a life of luxury. When a less-developed person chooses to spend all their good karma in one time go they will enjoy wealth, power or fame for few years or perhaps an entire lifetime, but once their good karma is used up they will be relegated to many lives of poverty and suffering. The real kicker is that an undeveloped person usually generates more bad karma in a prosperous life than they do in a poverty-stricken life because the money, power or fame goes to their head and makes them more egotistical and unpleasant ( In general an Ass-hole).
According to some in the Christian Church, wealth and abundance are gifts from God – signs that he is pleased with us and has blessed us. This belief is completely wrong; God/The Universe does not have favorites and our financial status is of no concern to him. Wealth is the result of good karma or merit; the result of “good investments” we made in previous lives. The Bible describes karma in Ezekiel 18:20: “The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the Sins of the wicked will be charged against them”. Galatians 6:7 simply states: “People reap what they sow”. Karma exists to protect us and to guide us back on track when we go astray. But karma is often slow to respond and, because of its intimate relationship with destiny, often waits until a future incarnation. The delayed effect transgressions. Although bad karma usually results in suffering it is not a punishment for punishment’s sake; nor is it divine retribution. Karma is simply an opportunity to make good – it neither punishes nor rewards; it simply guides. The law of karma is not the cause of suffering; it is merely the agent. 99% of all human suffering originates from the simple fact that we cannot and do not want to control our-selves. Karma is self-balancing divine justice; it is 100% fair and absolutely infallible. It doesn’t matter if a criminal seems to “get away with it”, because there is no getting away with it – karma will eventually catch up with him. If we are honest with ourselves, then we know that wanting justice is just a nice way of saying that we want revenge. If we suffer as a result of someone else’s wrong doing we want them to suffer in return. But we need to learn that vengeance is not the same as justice, and that an act of vengeance will result in bad karma for ourselves. Even holding onto vindictive thoughts, self pity or grief prolongs our own suffering and generates more bad karma. If something unpleasant happens to us we should realize that we caused it, not the person who was instrumental in manifesting it. This not to say that people who do bad things or cause accidents should not stand trial for their offences. The Lords of Karma always see to it that both people who are involved in an unfortunate incident have a related karmic debt to repay, although not necessarily to each other. As long as both parties reap the appropriate effects it matters little if their original transgressions were against each other.
Karma is usually played out on the same stage as the original transgressions occurred, i.e. physical crimes usually result in physical punishments.
It is not just serious offences such as theft, violence or murder that generate bad karma, it's even small things like a harsh word or a judgmental thought that generates negative energy which contributes to the contamination of the subtle realms. You might not think that one bad thought would not have much affect, but think how many negative or harmful thoughts you have each day, multiply it by several billion and you have some idea of the amount of negative energy we put out into the world each and every day! This negative energy does accumulate and can manifest itself as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, plagues, earthquakes, etc. This is known as collective karma because it applies to an entire town, region, country or planet( look at the world right now. We have the beginnings of a pandemic coming out of Mexico, war still going on in Iraq & a host of other bad things going on in the world right now ). The effects of collective karma are sometimes allocated individually so that diseases, afflictions or “accidents” can be the result of our allotted portion of mankind’s collective karma.
Karma provides situations that will best help us to learn from our mistakes. This may involve experiencing the other side of our original transgression, e.g. a racist white person may be black in their next incarnation, or it may be seemingly unrelated. It is impossible for us to understand the intricacies of karma because it is controlled by intelligences that are far superior to us. Karma is managed by three hierarchic groups of highly developed cosmic beings who record every thought, emotion, word and action that occurs within their respective sphere of responsibility:
1. The Devarajas of the Seven Planes administer cosmic karma and destiny within the solar system.
2. An intermediate group, associated with our planetary chain, manages the collective karma and future destiny of the human race.
3. The Guardians of the Four Directions (four worlds of the Earth) deal with individual human karma, primarily administering the effects of our past karma.
These Lords of Karma are known by a variety of different names, including: the Lipika Lords (Lipika is Sanskrit for scribe), the Angels of the Presence (Christianity), the Book of Life (Christianity), the Recording Angels (Kabbalah), the Assessors of Amenti (Egypt), Devarajas (Hinduism) and the Guardians of the Four Directions (Hinduism). Karma is the one of the main reasons why “evil” exists – as long as individuals break the Universal Laws of life there will always be evil to administer the karmic consequences. Evil can do us no harm if we obey the Universal Laws. Members of the higher kingdoms who incarnate among humans (e.g. Christ) have no karmic debt yet they are often persecuted and suffer greatly. This is because they become part of the collective human consciousness when they incarnate into a human body, and as such become liable to a share of our collective karma. This is the real truth behind the belief that Christ died for our sins!
The best way to deal with bad karma is to accept our fate and let it work itself out. We should accept the hand that life deals us and go with the flow, because if we resist life and try to wriggle out of our karma we will only make matters worse in the long run. Karma will always catch up with us, and when it does we will have incurred an extra penalty for trying to escape. It is a bit like a prisoner who gets caught trying to break out of jail – he is sure to have his sentence increased. Please don’t confuse accepting karma with fatalism, i.e. don’t see everything as pre-ordained and give up at the slightest obstacle. We have to use our intuition to guide us when to stand up for ourselves and when to just accept things as they are. If we are honest with ourselves and put our egos to one side we will know. Our egos don’t like giving in and accepting the consequences when we can see a way out, but we have to show our egos that we are bigger and braver than they are. There is a way that we can not only avoid incurring more bad karma but actually free ourselves from the debts we have already incurred, and that is through a life of service – putting the needs of others before our own. Living with less concern for individuality and more concern for unity shows that we are evolving and the Lords of Karma will show us some grace. A little self sacrifice now & then will save us a lot of suffering in the future.
Flagellants believe that mistreating their physical bodies pays off karma and pleases god, but they couldn't be more wrong. Rather than working off their karmic debt they are actually generating more bad karma because they are causing suffering to another living being (the physical being). Flagellants often reincarnate with the physical defects that they themselves caused in their previous life. For example, those who drag themselves around on the floor and refuse to use their legs may be born with a physical disability or be paralyzed in their next life. Karma is only made good by bearing the trials of life in an honorable and accepting way. Bad karma can affect our physical lives in a variety of ways, including: disease, disability, ugliness, abuse, miscarriages of justice, lack of intelligence, poverty, low social standing, etc. We should never blame our parents for a disease or disability that we inherited from them because our own karma and destiny determine such matters. Children should never say to their parents “I didn’t ask to be born”, because they did – no one is forced to incarnate against their will. While it's generally true that those who suffer deserve to suffer, it is a great mistake to think that we should not show compassion and help them out. We must do everything we can to alleviate all suffering because every good deed contributes to a better world for everyone. Relieving another person’s suffering not only helps them; it generates good karma for us and sends out good vibrations into the world. Sitting back and letting people suffer is selfish and vindictive, and will result in bad karma. This does not mean that we should give to every beggar who asks us for money, because many of them will spend the money on drugs or alcohol. We need to let our intuition guide us to help only those people who are willing to help themselves. We all make mistakes and do stupid things from time to time – even enlightened people. These out of character aberrations are the karmic effects of their action from previous incarnations. We must all clear our karmic debt before we graduate from the Realm, so it is not uncommon for highly advanced people to have difficult lives or suffer from ill health. We must continue to reincarnate in this realm until our karmic debt has been fully repaid, which shows we have learned all the lessons karma had to teach us.
The Law of Attraction
The phrase “like attracts like” sums up the law of attraction. Our minds are like magnets that attract whatever we give our continued attention to. Everything that comes into our lives is attracted by the thoughts and images we hold in our minds. Our thoughts influence our lives, so whatever we think about most will eventually manifest. It doesn’t matter whether our thoughts are positive, negative or neutral; the law of attraction operates blindly and will respond to them. However, the law of attraction can be strengthened, weakened or postponed by laws of karma and destiny,(this also applies to the Craft ( this is one reason why spells don't always work as planned )) so not everyone who dreams of winning the lottery or becoming a rock star will achieve success. The law of attraction is currently being exploited as a “get rich quick scheme” or a means of “manifesting your desires”. We always get what we wish for, although usually not as soon as we would like or quite as we expected. Every granted wish must be paid for out of our reserve of merit (good karma); otherwise it will add to our already large karmic debt. This consequence is overlooked by the ignorant advocates of “cosmic ordering” and the like. Yes it works, but it can be compared to spending all your wages in one day when the money needs to last you all month! Make use of the law of attraction by all means, but don’t misuse it. The best way to utilize the law of attraction is to adopt a positive outlook and just allow life to unfold naturally – trust life rather than resisting it. Don’t dwell on your past mistakes or worry about what might happen in the future because that will attract negativity into your life. When you are unconcerned about what life deals you, you will probably find that you achieve success effortlessly. The Christian concept of abundance is related to the law of attraction, but the teaching does not come from God. Do they really think that God wants us to become even more materialistic than we already are? Nobody needs anything in abundance (in excess), we only need a sufficient amount – anything more is greedy and wasteful. The Earth’s resources are incapable of providing everyone with an abundant life, but it is capable of providing everyone with a sufficient life. Remember this; The universe gives you everything you need, but you have to pay for everything you want! So you can see that both Karma & Destiny have a very strong impact on both The Craft & The Secret (and that I left out a lot of the humor I usually put in my Blogs ( Some people around here just don't have a sense of humor or they are as humorless as a dead cod (that’s a type of fish..)).But as always there is more to this story, but I'll leave you all this for now... With that all said I bid you all...
Good Night...

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