Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

In the beginning when mankind opened their eyes they began to awaken. With barley enough intelligence to grunt in understanding they still managed to form methods of communication which still exist today in cave paintings and other recovered artifacts. As we examine our roots we can clearly see these were very superstitious and spiritual individuals. Rituals were performed before hunting and the god/gods were thanked for what they provided. Most tribes and clans had a Shaman or Healer if you will, we know they practiced learned behavior because we have found arrow heads both primitive and evolved. The point being Knowledge was passed down and taught in order to preserve the very species. History if you will.

The hunters and gatherers of these times are the very forefathers and for mothers of most Shamanic/Pagan paths. Traditions were laid down. Knowledge of herbs/medicine were passed down and I am sure that some of them are still used today. Amongst medicine we find that many superstitions were shared world wide what is amazing is that these tribes/clans had very little if no communication with each other. As time goes on we learn of separation of believes, various tribes had similar core structures yet they may have very different gods or goddesses. Yet the core structure its self still remains intact this very day.

Respect all creatures
Harvest the Earth responsibility
Care for the young and old
Pass down knowledge hence the (story tellers)
Honor thy deities

These are very simple primal believes which can been found in almost all peoples whom follow an earthen path today. They found magic through chanting and focus of ones will the power of the mind has limitless possibilities. They learned to harness the elements somewhat, providing them with fire hence the keeper of the flame became a very important job which most shared in. collecting fire wood ect. They learned water not only satisfied their thirst but it also provided food and they could clean themselves which also helped the clan/tribe to thrive. Stones from the earth they learned could be fashioned into arrow heads and used as cutting or scrapping tools and in effect they could get food and hides and some even learned to harvest seeds hence the first farmers.

It was so very important to pass knowledge down their very survival depended upon it. The Shaman/Healer would choose a child or small group to teach for the next generation and it was their job to remember the stories, learn about the medicines of the land and be able to keep the clan/tribe healthy and safe from evil. Story time was a gathering around the fire and days passed were talked about. Usually stories of great warriors and how they took down the huge beasts or something to that effect. This united the tribe, bringing them together in warmth and teaching them the knowledge of how to hunt and what to expect from mother nature herself. It was all that they had. In this modern time several indigenous peoples still believe it takes a village to raise a child.

Even the old had purpose though they may not have been able to bare children, collect wood or hunt they could still fashion clothes, baskets, pottery and look after the young while the others took care of daily chores. No job was looked upon as a disgrace for it took the entire union of souls to function and prosper as a single unit. I can only imagine the beauty and love that was shared amongst these peoples, for it is almost nonexistent in this time.

Things are so much more complex now, we have so many branches of paths and religions. Tradition has started to evolve into eclectism and history seems less important. This is a heavy weight upon my heart. We as human beings still have these responsibilities do we not? Yet we have endangered species, forests wiped out, old people and children living on the streets, knowledge lost, and lost souls searching for that in which they are oblivious too. Perhaps we will learn one day to take our modern society and apply the old ways and just mabey ecelitism could lead us into a new era a new union of souls. Evolution to be persice.

Magic/focus of will has always been a controversial subject, many forms have been developed down through time, superstition and folk lore have played a huge part in it just as symbolism has. However if you look and examine the core strip away the symbolism, superstition and folk lore there we have the most important factor that being the focus of will. I have seen so many seek out paths that are different or unique to them, the need to be different seems to overwealm young people these days, Could it be that they are drawing emotion from something that is embedded into their very dna? The need to have a unique purpose or status in life like the clans and tribes of old? When we all served a purpose and functioned in a united way of life? It is possible who knows? But as far as history in my opinion it is the most important form of education. Many things are possible.

In conclusion though many bad things have happened down through time and we should not dwell on the past we should atleast learn and remember because just as there was so much negative there was also much beauty. The union of souls.

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Comment by Eternity on January 21, 2009 at 10:35am
Thank you James *Hugz*

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