Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Like two streams born one of blood and one of wine

These streams as different as thread is to twine

One from a mountains icy trickle then to a crash

Born from winters cold, just as harsh and brash

Each environments growth and constant changing

To match this course it always takes rearranging

The other from a spring in a valleys greens flora’s

Gently bubbling while deceiving to mind its morals

One reflects strength and prides in walls as it falls

Crashing into , around, and over rocks as waterfalls

The others serene eddy’s swirl unaware of its ranks

Disguised yet revealed only by steep flowing banks

Opposite births though one is as constant as the other

As different from each other as winter is to summer

Meeting with compliments of lightning and thunder

Entwined as one they carve their path in matrimony

An adventurous journey, joined never to be lonely

As each territory is entered whether in cold or sun

No matter how rocky or barren they remain as one

No matter how rough the terrain they will endure

The birth of a stream all its owns future to ensure

Running deep in some places and shallow in others

Wide in some places and running narrow in others

Through nature and people and sometimes polluted

It’s been a lifetime and the end run won’t be eluded

They “the river” struggle on towards what will be

Their hopes to remain one as they empty into the sea.

By; Dk for Eternity

Thank you Dragon *hug*

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