Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Why do we (especially pagans) feel we are superior to one another when it has been proven and stated that "no matter how much we know, there is much more to learn." Why do we think we are above one another? So you are a third degree witch?!?! WTF what is that supposed to mean? Honestly it means jack.Nothing, zero zip nota. What are you saying because you went to some fancy pants pagan school you are better then everyone else? I got news for you. No matter what "degree" you have you can still learn more. We all need to be more open as a whole pagan community, and be willing to learn from one another and work together. Otherwise are we really better then any of the other religions we "claim" to to be more open then?

We need to be more open with one another and willing to learn from each other, as well as help each other as much as we can otherwise in my opinion we are already dead.

Views: 103


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Comment by Founder on July 3, 2010 at 8:09am
Paganism was, is and ALWAYS be "superior" ( if I can use this term..) by any means to any other rival revealed religion or fideistic belief cause is NOT a "blind obtuse" revealed religion, NOT a puerile fideistic system, but is based on philosophical, logical, mathematical & scientifical exquisite thoughts of the best "open" minded souls of past millennia... making it a complete system of knowledge: practical, scientifical, magickal and spiritual!...

This Pagan "knowledge" through ages still in a evolutionary status..which can lead to personal different views among Pagans...for me still a personal thing to feel personally superior or inferior to other Pagan souls...in certain cases sometimes reveals a puerile attitude to feel this supposed "superiority"...Amen
Comment by Cameron S. on June 22, 2010 at 8:02am
Rebecca H. : Yeah I know what you mean. and in order to make it stop we must learn to try and get along with others and be open to new ideas :) I'm happy you liked this post.
Comment by Cameron S. on June 22, 2010 at 8:01am
personally I don't mind missionary to much, for I know even if they have there annoying moments not all of them don't mean well. Personally i feel what you do with what you are given is your call warlock lol.
Comment by ranoc on June 21, 2010 at 3:30am
Comment by ranoc on June 21, 2010 at 3:28am
yahh i hate those really big 3 religeons they think that everyone without the same beliefs will burn forever blah blah blah ... i hate them sooooooooo much... the other day missionarys had the nerve to nock on my door and blab for half an hour about how it would better my life to come to church ... !@$!^%%&%$!!! ... it looked like they were never going to leave unless i accepted there stupid packetet that they were handing out ... i wanted to tell them to get off my ****** lawn ... but it would of only made matters worse so i told them that i would accept the packet and go to church... as soon as i got inside the packet went in the trassh!!!!!...

P. S. this comment was kind of random it only had to do with the 3 big religion
Comment by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on June 21, 2010 at 2:11am
Thanks for this post Cameron... I see many times in different places besides communities in social media like this, that Pagans seem to disparage others a lot, those other Pagans outside of their 'circle' (pun intended). It's not true with every single Pagan, but it seems to be a pattern we can generalize about to make a point... As Pagans, if we are to 'live and let live' then we must embrace the differences of others, be they Wiccan, Chaotic, or 'degreed' or not. As a people we are already mocked and disparaged by those in the 'big 3' religions. Let's take the examples of Civil Rights in the 60s and 70s as examples to follow. Rise above, agree to not agree, avoid disparaging remarks, etc...
Comment by Cameron S. on June 16, 2010 at 6:04am
Conar that was a comment I honestly didn't expect lol. Thank you for responding to my blog post. :)
Comment by ranoc on June 14, 2010 at 9:33pm
yahh i agree... on my other blog i stated that if anyone needs any help ... to just ask

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