Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


The truest love is by far the rarest boon life, destiny or the Divine itself can gift you with. It is a grace that is too often taken advantage of and torn asunder by greed, insecurity, fear or by those that seek to destroy it because they are incapable of feeling this clean, transcendental emotion. To feel true unconditional love is to become innocent and virginal again. It’s always new. No matter how many times you feel it. One never falls in love. Falling has negative or consequential connotations to it. I believe one rises to love because it is the one feeling that lifts you up to a level you hadn’t reached before emotionally. It connects us to our spirit, heart and to who we really are underneath the mask we navigate this world with everyday of our lives. Many now in this era believe that Love makes one weak or vulnerable. But in reality, the absence of love makes one bitter, jaded, cynical and emotionally sterile. Those unfortunate many are only capable of conditional love which is the taking of love through ultimatums and only returning affection when it is convenient. Conditional love is not love but rather an arrangement. Arrangements are finite, always subject to change and thus, inevitably end.

Love however cannot die. It is one of the greatest immortals. One can only hate that which they once loved or that which they feel ended or took that love. But love is always within us. No one can take it away. Love is always present. In different shades of course, different forms and different ways but it’s all around us, all the time. Self Love and Love itself is the same thing. Self love and loving another are one in the same because one cannot love another if one does not love themselves. There would be nothing to give or receive and nothing to feel.

We all have felt different versions of love. Different incarnations of this emotion that seems to always give us a divine grace. Who knows? Maybe it is divine grace and the grace one soul shares with another and the world itself. But because of our need to control, define, limit, place value and commercialize love, we diminish our ability to see it clearly and we think modern epitomes and personifications of love are more desirable than others. Modern versions such as, loving someone affluent or rich. Loving someone who is physically desirable but emotionally and morally bankrupt. Loving someone for convenience, popularity, social acceptance or because society deems it appropriate. These incarnations are all conditional and are not incarnations of love. Love is unconditional, primal, sacrificing and self sacrificing. Love is not and has never been convenient, conditional, contemporary physical or regional. It is spiritual, emotional, it is our ability to heal ourselves and others with our heart and mind. It is our pureness and is soul based. It is and has always been what differentiates us from lesser evolved beings and what propels our spiritual evolution even now. True unconditional love is eternal.

Love and self love both have a way of resurrecting the parts of us that we think died a long time ago. Very much like the Phoenix, unconditional love is self resurrecting, never denied, unstoppable and endless. The secret about love? Is that unconditional love is both freely given, allowed and reciprocated. If it isn’t? Then it isn’t love at all. Love is the irresistible force and the immovable presence within creation itself. It’s always inside of us as well. Just thought I’d remind you.

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