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It bothers me that so many focus more on the past, that they loose focus on the now and future. Yes it is important to know our history so that we don't repeat it, but if we are focusing more energy on what happened in the past aren't we bound to repeat it anyway?

We must focus on the future, take an active part in forming the tomorrow by taking responsibilty for what we can change today.

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Comment by Lil_Raven on January 21, 2009 at 5:10pm
I am sorry if the word history was used in a way that would make others unclear as to what I was talking about...In all honesty I wasn't thinking about what it would sound like to others... as I wasn't anticipating anyone reading it.... these were after work 2 am thoughts I was having and is my first time posting a blog..
Comment by Eternity on January 21, 2009 at 1:10pm
Jacintha I do believe you and DragonKnight have a misunderstanding here, I was confused a bit myself in the begining I thought Raven was meaning something else. I do not see where Dragon has done you any dishonor and your statments are as harsh as his, Personally I feel that if you two wish to hash it out you should do it on your own pages instead of Ravens but this is only my opinion.
Comment by Lil_Raven on January 21, 2009 at 10:08am
Eternity thank you for the comments...I like hearing others perspectives and thoughts when done so in a respective way....In no way did I feel that you were creating arguments and I am sorry if I implied that I did...:)
Comment by Eternity on January 21, 2009 at 9:19am
Thank you for the clairification Lil Raven :) I totally agree with you on

Our lives are shaped and molded by our thoughts. Focusing on the negative in our past will only bring negativity into our future. It is good to know and acknowledge our past but not to let it hinder who we are capable of being!!!

Very well worded :D I am glad that you commented back to me thank you so much. I would like you to know that I was not attempting to have a argument I was just unsure of the statement so I asked.
Comment by Lil_Raven on January 21, 2009 at 8:42am
While I respect your views and outlook DragonKnight, I would like to know as to why you would call me a hyporcite? You don't even know me, my outlook on life nor my extent of knowledge to be able to cast such a judgement against me...while your words are very well written they are just mean and not fully apply to my blog. I wasn't talking explictly about pagan history, I was talking a more in general past. Personal and world alike. But you jumped to the defensive and assumed I was talking solely about 1 part in history.

Eternity when I spoke of change it is in regards to taking personal responsibilty for the things that happen in our lives. Instead of focusing on being the victim of yesterday, focus on not being the victim now and in the future.

Our lives are shaped and molded by our thoughts. Focusing on the negative in our past will only bring negativity into our future. It is good to know and acknowledge our past but not to let it hinder who we are capable of being!!!
Comment by Lil_Raven on January 21, 2009 at 7:55am
I was not trying to create an argument about this..I was simply putting my thoughts into words. I didn't say not know our history..I said focusing to much it.

Can we change the past...umm no all we can do is work for a better future.

Every group and society has been faced with some sort of persecution and intolerance..With that being said should all humankind carry a chip on their shoulder about events we can not change? How will we ever reach a level of acceptance within ourselves and others if we don't transcend from the past and work on new goals to focus our energy?
Comment by Eternity on January 21, 2009 at 3:57am
I do not think knowledge and focus on the past would make us repeat it unless of course the individual in mention is weak minded. Much information has been passed down and were it not for such so many useful things would be lost. In my humble opinion I believe we should not only focus on the past but the future also. I must ask you to please elaborate on the last statement what would you have changed? Responsibility in any aspect is of the utmost importance although I fail to understand just why anyone would want to change things just because they can, some things are fine the way they are. I think it is very important for beginers to know the past that is how we are molded if we do not know the past how could we form our own opinions?

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