Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

"Don't delude yourself. The minute you set foot upon the path of witchcraft, a call rings out in the unseen world announcing the fact of your arrival."
This statement was taken from an old book on Witchcraft that I ran across some time ago, but this fact still holds true. When you decide (really Decided) to walk the path of a Witch or Magick user ( whether you come out of the broom closet or not.) you are marked to the point that even Muggles (normals ( I love that word from Harry Potter)) will feel it... I hear from a lot of Witches/Magick users about a feeling of loneliness...
Stop and think back to how your relationship was with your friends before and after you decided to walk down this chosen path. Can you see any differences between the before and after... Most of those that I have talked to have seen a difference. They also tend to find themselves gravitating towards others of like mind and being able to see others that are on the same path as they are... To give you an example I was out with my younger sister a short time ago and we run into a lady. After the lady passed us she told me that the lady that passed gave her a weird feeling ( the lady that passed us is an acquaintance of mine who is a witch ). I'll give you another example: When I was in college a few of my friends noted that when ever I walked into a room that everyone in the room would lower there voices and start to look around like scared deer, after a few moments then people would start to look in my direction and go back to normal. With out telling me ( since we all were taking psychology classes ) they decided to put this to a test. I rarely went to parties ( Because back then people made me very uncomfortable by the way they acted around me. ) they had me come to some parties with them ( They damn near had to drag me to them ) & they would watch what happened when I walked in. After doing this 4 times and getting the same results every time they concluded that there was something about me (they didn't know what ( nor did I at the time )) that caused that reaction ( they told me about the little experiment and they were not ready for my reaction. ( I think them heading for the hills sort of explains my reaction)). It was not till I went to the "Berkeley Psychic Institute" ( which was about six years later) where I walked into this large room and the same old thing happened. The psychics pulled me off to the side ( out of a crowd of thirty people ) and explained that when all the Psychics in that room saw me they saw Two distinct forms ( The one that everyone sees and a shadow form that sat right behind and off my right shoulder and moved independent of my movements ) and asked me about it. " just my Guide and pain in the ass" I explained and they gave me a free reading ( everyone else had to pay 25.00 for the reading ). When they got to the reading of my aura they explained that the last and out-most layer was black ( not an evil black but more of a mysteries black ) and that gave me the ability for my presence to be felt before the brain can see me ( I still have this problem. Last week I was over at the local casino ( I live in Oklahoma and there are a lot of casinos here) and as I was walking to the rest room when two bikers ( big Bikers ) came out of the rest room stopped talking and put their backs to wall and moved past me as if walking on a high ledge and looking at me as if I was The Hulk and was going to come after them. This hallway is ten feet wide there was plenty of room for all of us. This is why I believe that part of this marking is placed in your aura. This is why your Muggles ( I like that word) can sense that your different because your aura extends about 4' from you. I have been asked by acquaintances of mine why is it the people that are practice L.O.A./manifestation are not marked..
One: they are only using the Universal energy source that everyone can tie into, but witches and magick users have not only that source but a numerous others that we can and do use and some of them are little hazardous.
Two: The Universe/God or Goddess/The powers that are in control up-stairs ( I hope that covered everyone’s beliefs ( the last time I didn't cover everyone I had the Nit-picks and the moral majority shooting me in the ass ( I even had a couple Hare Krishna’s complaining… I can just see it now a few dumb-asses dressed in saffron robes with shaved heads and pigtails playing cymbals, drums and harmoniums dancing in my front yard protesting.. ( and I thought they were just at airports) Not a good thought…)) does have human elements (witches/magick users) that will test, judge and try to recruit you if they want to (You can’t go door to door like other religions ( I can see someone getting a knock on their door early one morning to open it and find a couple of people dressed in robes saying “ Good morning we are here on behalf of your local witches coven trying to spread the good news about using the craft in your day to day life and no we’re not Hare Krishna’s ….” ( I don’t think so ))).
With this all said I’ll give you the whole paragraph which inspired this article…

"Don't delude yourself. The minute you set foot upon the path of witchcraft, a call rings out in the
unseen world announcing the fact of your arrival. And sooner or later you are going to have to
confront the problem of protecting your friends and yourself from the magical bolts that will
undoubtedly be slung at you by less friendly practitioners. Supernaturally induced bad luck, whether
occasioned by the casual glance of someone's evil eye or a more potently organized attack, is always
the result of an unconscious blind spot in the victim's deep mind, either created by or played upon by
the attacker. The mischief this works is technically known in the craft as binding the victim's soul or
deep mind, thus rendering him considerably more accident-prone than he/she generally is..."

From personal experance I can tell you this true. I have had a few death threats ( two attemps.. they missed... At least I think they did... Never know someone could have brought my bloody ass back from the dead..) and many fights with witches/magick users (Dark Ones) over the years... (And I didn't pick this path it picked me... Call it Karma..) You can ask me about it some time...
But as always there is more to this story, but for now I'll bid you all a humble.... Night All

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