Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

..................................June continues to be the most popular month for getting married. So, my theme is for this week is  The June Bride.

Political conservatives in this country insist that marriage can only mean the union of one woman to one man, under the witness of their Abrahamic so-called "God".  We Pagans know better than that. But there's still alot of assumptions about marriage that we've inherited from mainstream society and we don't much question.

So, this week let's look at exactly what Marriage is and what it's meant around the world and down the ages.  Plus we can take heart at all th symbols of Marriage that really have come to us from our Pagan ancestors.
Finally, we're going to look at some of the various arrangements cultures around the world have made, and why they've made them, so that we members of an alternative society can consider how we want to best do it.

Hope you enjoy the show!

Some of the music you'll hear on this weeks show include K.D. Lange: "Constant Craving"; Frenchy and the Punk: "Make Out"; Carlton Walker: "The Tribe"; Celia: "This Bed We Made"; Laura Love: "All Our Lives" and more.

Please listen to The Spiral Dance with Hawthorne each week.  It's an online Pagan radio show & Podcast. The podcast gives you the option to either listen to right from the website or download to your computer. It's FREE and it's fun. Your suggestions and comments are welcome!

Just visit http://thespiraldance.weebly.com

Each episode is approximately 90 minutes. Podcasts remain posted for about 4 or 5 weeks, so you can go back and listen to the other episodes for some great interviews, information and fun!

Maybe you've composed a new poem and would like to hear it on the radio. If you want to submit audio to The Spiral Dance, send me an email.  There are basically no rules - just no harsh language, no commercial  self-promotion and no Christian-bashing.  Please let me know what you  think about the show. I'm always open to suggestions; email spiraldance1@ excite.com or radiohawthorne@yahoo.com...................

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