Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

There is something to be said about an individual whom will sacrifice everything that they may want or need in order to care for those whom they respect or love. These individuals are few considering the size of society yet we hear about or see one every single day. They are fathers, brothers, grandpas, nephews, mothers, sisters, cousins or aunts. The many heros that give hope when we are but the meek.

I am not talking about Hollywood heroes I am talking about the real men and women whom take the weight of the world upon themselves selflessly risking their lives in order for us to be safe and make this a better place to raise our children. In this case I mean soldiers who most often return home with hopes of living a better life knowing the kind of people whom they have served with will continue to protect us, only to find themselves shunned when they seek employment, abandoned for selfish needs, looked on as damaged goods or killing machines.

How sad I feel for those many whom can not see the hero next door or around the corner. Oddly some where or some how in my life I must have done something right for the creator has blessed me with the greatest gift of all, A partner whom is a real hero and for the rest of my mortal life I will give him the credit which he so richly deserves.

His Name is Bryan, and he is my hero. A paratrooper special forces who laid his life on the line to make this a better place for you and me. Nobility such as this does not just die on the battlefield these people carry these traits with them through out their entire lives, despite all of the talk, lies discredit and losses they have suffered even if they see themselves as the lowest of low no matter how hard they try to be bitter and full of regrets they are still heroes and I would almost be willing to bet the majority of them would dive head first back into battle knowing what they do now and still yet endure it all over again.

There is not a lot we can do about the short comings of a failed society a individuals but together as a whole we can make our voices heard we can be a hero to a hero by giving them the long overdue credit they deserve. We may not be able to take away their scars or heal the pain in their hearts but as sure as I am sitting here we can give them back their Pride and dignity and let them know by telling them most often that they are and forever more will remain our Heroes.

I love you Bryan and I am so proud of you My Hero.

By Rena

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