There comes a time in the lives of human kind when we must accept the divine truth that we ourselves are responsible for the lot we find ourselves in. This present era was designed by greed, a hunger for power and the subjugation of those we deemed weaker or lesser creatures than ourselves. Those who used the name of god to conquerors leaders and harbingers of his holy wrath. We have forever existed in a state of Jihad. (Holy War.) With other races, other countries, other states and sadly within ourselves.
We acknowledge the women in ourselves, or the man in ourselves but we have not once. Ever acknowledged the priest or High Priest or High Priestess in our selves have we? The part of us that is one with the creator whoever that may be for you specifically. The part of us that is co-creating the present as it swiftly becomes that future and the past simultaneously. The High Priest or Priestess within all of us knows that God is more than just an “imaginary friend for adults or a genie who can bestow wishes to us if just pray or wish hard enough. God, Goddess or the creator is a sentient being that is evolving alongside us and within us for we are one and the same. We have a responsibility to creation and the creator, ourselves to this era and the future so our children has something to inherit besides out dated patterns of destruction and religious strategies of dominance for control.
Many in this day and age have become estranged from god/goddess/the creator blaming untimely deaths, disease, crime, and global horrors on the absence of the Divine. But are these things not under the control of man? Crimes, disease, global atrocities, do these things not fall in to the realm of humankind? Is the Divine truly absent or do we shun the divine for more secular and modern substitutes? These are the thought of those who commune with their inner High Priest or High Priestess.
Some of us cannot live as saints or martyrs in this life. I know I can’t, but we do have a moral obligation to make a difference in our life time and a Universal obligation to help another soul out with no expectation of a return on that kindness because in truth we are helping ourselves out in the future. A Hierophant knows that the person you assist today may be yourself because reincarnation is not linear and you can come back to the same era, same date, same block and even interact with who you used to be or who you are now. There is a reason why mystics say we are all connected. It is time for us to acknowledge we are more than what we think we are and we are more than what we have been told we from orthodox sources. We were meant to ascend and we cannot ascend without each other.
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