Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


AGE Infancy
SENSES Hearing, smell
ZODIAC Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
ENERGY Swift, mercurial, changeable, projective
GENDER Masculine
COLORS White, bright yellow, crimson, turquoise blue, gold, scarlet, sky at dawn
METELS Gold, tin, copper
RULES Free mind, mental intuition, psychic work, intellect, knowledge, ability to learn, ability to open spiritually, abstract learning and theory, thinking, ideas, creativity, meditation, communication, focus, illumination, brain stimulation, philosophy, mindfulness, awareness, perception, all beginnings, windswept hills, plains, windy beaches, high mountain peaks, high towers, wind, breath, clouds, flighty thoughts, flying, entertainment, fun, sound
OILS Lavender, sandalwood
INCENSE Galbanum, resins of frankincense and myrrh
TOOL Wand, staff
INSTRUMENTS Flute, all wind instruments
STONES White/clear fluorite (illumination & creativity), moonstone (receptivity & illumination), turquoise (focus & awareness), single point crystals (perception), rhodochrosite (brain stimulation), royal azule (brain codes), silber (receptivity), topaz
PLANT WORLD Eucalyptus, pansy, primrose, lemon verbena, violet, yarrow, vervain, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, comfrey, mistletoe, nutmeg, all mints, ash tree (peace of mind), birch, aspen, beech, palm trees (mental health), lavender, clove, sage (meditation),
ANIMALS Doves (messages, peace & illumination), hawk (focus & perception), eagle (philosophy & ideals), wolf (communication & perception), deer (perception & awareness), raccoon (thinking), cardinals (creativity), phoenix rising, spiders, winged insects, and the dragon (clearity & perception)
SYMBOLS Feather, incense smoke, fragrant flowers, tossing objects in the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects
GODDESSES Aradia, Arianhod, Cardia, Nuit (Goddess of the Skies), Urania, Danue (Creativity), Athena (Wisdom), Kwan Yin (Mindfulness)
GODS Enil, Khephera, Mercury (Communication), Shu, Thoth (Thought), Himdahl, Balder Buddha (Illumination)
RITUAL USE Travel, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost objects
HELPING ACTIVITIES Divination, fortune-telling, sourcing, vision quests, Zen meditation, tai chi chuan, martial arts, brainstorming, philosophical debates, expressive arts, flower arrainging, visualization, positive thinking
HELPING THOUGHTS Illumination through creative communication, the mind is awareness, perception in all philosophy, focus for peace in chaos
IMAGERY Swirling winds of a dawn sky, eagles rising on the tides of air, swirling clouds on the horizon tipped with beacons of dawn light, crispness of the high altitudes, hear the roaring of the wind, see the Earth below asif you are a dragon, feel the power of flight, you can see from horizon to horizon.
LESSONS Inspiration, creative ideas, knowledge abstracted from chaos, organization from disorganization, mental work, psychic work, development of philosophies, revealing self-examination, brain stimulation, awaking of the higher intellect.


AGE Youth
ZODIAC Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
ENERGY Quick, rapid fire, projective
GENDER Masculine
COLORS Red, gold, crimson, orange, white, Sun's noon light, scarlet, yellow, blue of the flame
METELS Gold, brass, copper
RULES Energy, spirit, heat, flame, sap, life, blood, will, healing and destroying, purification, spontaneity, excitement, sexuality, forcefulness, faith and trust, elusiveness, innocence, vulnerability, strength, protection, relationship, stress, courage, love, rest, renewal, physical pacing, body fires. fires, candle flames, forges, Sun Desert, volcanoes, eruptions, explosions, war, violent emotions, lightning, release of power, concentrated power, light, hot springs, ovens, fireplace, saunas, athletic fields
OILS Frankincense, musk, sandalwood
INCENSE Olibanum, juniper, sweetgrass, cedar, frankincense, dragon's blood, myrrh, sage, thyme, clove, cinnamon
TOOLS Athame, sword, censer
INSTRUMENTS Guitar, all stringed instruments
STONES Jasper, ruby, fire agate, blood stone, garnet, pink carnelian (kinship & relationships), red carnelian (strength, protection & faith), red amber (courage & faith), amber calcite (relationship & trust), blue amber (shamanic journey for purification & inner flame), yellow and gold fluorite (personal protection on journeys), citrine (clarity & purification), fire opal (a deep inner vision, physical purification & cleaning), steel (courage & protection), lave (purification & upheaval)
PLANT WORLD Hibiscus, mustard, onion, red pepper, red poppies, healing & purifying plants, bougainvillea, coffee beans (stimulation), nuts, seeds, pods (relationships), cacti, thorn bushes, spiny plants (protection), nut trees (love), garlic (purification), almond tree in bloom, coral tree, bottle brush, red maple, bay leaf, carnation, holly, oak, tobacco, vanilla, eyebright
ANIMALS Fire breathing dragons, lions (stress & courage), horses (hooves striking), unicorn (purification), phoenix (fire & ash), cricket, lizard, praying mantes, lady bug, bee, scorpion, shark, bear (physical self healing), deer (self pacing), tigers, porcupine, badger, hedgehog (protection & defence), foxes, coyotes, squirrels (vulnerability, elusiveness & tricky relationships), mouse, rabbit, possum (renewal & self healing), snakes (protection), hawk (protection & relationships)
SYMBOLS Burning, smoldering, heating flame, lava
GODDESSES Brunhilde, Freya, Bridget (Inner Flame of Life & Creation), Hestia (Hearth & Strength in Women), Pele (Purification & Upheaval), Vesta (Truth & Trust)
GODS Agni, Hephaestus, Horus, Lugh, Vulcan (Forge & Faith), Mars (Strength in Conflict), Loki (Mischief)
RITUAL USE Protection, courage, sexual energy, strength, authority, banishing negativity
HELPING ACTIVITIES Expressive art, dance, drama, movement, body awareness, exercise, physical communication, sensuality, love, work
HELPING THOUGHTS In innocence I am born, in faith do I grow, in strength I am purified, in protection I walk
IMAGERY Dragons rising from a fiery lake, sea of volcanic flame, endless desert, feel the heat on your skin, smell the sulfur in the air, view of a volcano from its lip, dry hot strong winds, the grandeur & power of an electrical storm, the crackle of static, a bolt of lightening
LESSONS Relationship, trust, innocence, vulnerability, living in rapport with your personal environment, strength, courage, self purification, drive, self determination, child self, humor, cleverness, kindling divine flame of spirit, self trust, faith, knowledge of and from environment.


AGE Maturity
WIND NAME Zephyrus
ZODIAC Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
ENERGY Tidal (ebb & flow, never floods), receptive
GENDER Feminine
COLORS Blue, blue-green, green, grey, blue-grey, aqua, indigo, purple, black, white of sea foam in moonlight
METALS Mercury, silver, copper, platinum
RULES Emotions, feelings, love, courage, daring, sorrow, intuition, transmutation of experience & learning into wisdom, the unconscious mind, womb, generation, fertility, dreams, introspection, shamanic journeys, healing balancing male & female energie, flowing, purifying, soothing, compassion, initiations, deep psychic work, spiritual renewal, communication with spirit guides, hibernation, inner self knowledge, rains, crying bodies of water (oceans, lakes, pools, streams, rivers, springs, wells, tides, beaches), water in all states, fountains, swimming pools, mists, fog, subterranean water ways, dew sap, endings, storms, death
OILS Lotus, ambergris, civet
INCENSE Lotus, sandalwood, mugwort, camphor, vanilla, violet, myrrh
TOOL Cup, cauldron
INSTRUMENTS Cymbal bell, all resonant metals
STONES Blue tourmaline, sappphire, turquoise, pearl, alexandrite, aquamarine (inner journeys & serenity), water-colored cyrstals (psychic flow), river stone (emotions), ocean rock (healing & emotion), silver (intuition), amethyst (inner journeys & soothing emotionis), white coral (flexibility), rainbow crystals (shamanic journeys & dreams), double terminated crystals (healing energy).
PLANT WORLD Ferns, lotuses, mosses, rushes, seaweeds, waterlilies, apple, chamomile, cucumber, lettuce, violet, orris root, heather, rose, willow (journeys & magick), pine trees (emotions), magnolia (dream work), gardenia (spirit guides & love), lavender (summoning spirits), jasmine (shamanic intuition), water plants (dreams), soothing teas (chamomile, raspberry, jasmine, catnip, cherry, hibiscus)
ANIMALS Water snakes, cats, frogs, shellfish, sea mammals (psychic communication), sea birds (uplifted emotion), elk (feelings & emotion), ravens (spirit communication), herons (inner knowledge), jaguars (self-initiations), pathers (introspections), night creatures (journeys), water creatures (dream work), amphibious dragons.
SYMBOLS Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing shells, cup of water
GODDESSES Marimni, Mari, Tiamat (Dragons), Isis (Rivers of Life), Diana (New Moon), Selena (Full Moon), Hecate (Dark Moon), Arianrhod (Moon & Earth)
GODS Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Osiris, Thor, Dionysis (Cup), Poseidon (Oceanic Consciousness), Neptune (Psychic Flow)
RITUAL USE Purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendship
HELPING ACTIVITIES Dream work, shamanic consciousness work, earthy journeys, eastern void meditation, healing circles, self healing, love, vision quests
HELPING THOUGHTS Feelings are but tiny trickles, and emotions gentle brooks leading to the great rivers of inner knowing and dreams. All are pulled to the deep Ocean Mother by the Lady of the Healing Lights
IMAGERY Ocean waves lapping the beaches, landscapes shrouded in moving swirling mist, water dripping, smell of the moisture of the dusk air, heart of a mountain, stalagmites of ethereal beauty, deep pools that await the unwary
LESSONS Introspetion, inner knowledge, shamanic journeys, deep level psychic work, love, emotions, compassion, knowledge from dream states, releaseing, renewing, attunement, self tides, dream work, self balacing imagery, impressions


TIME Midnight
AGE Advanced age
WIND NAME Boreas or Ophron
ZODIAC Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
ENERGY Steady, rhythmic, heartbeat of Mother Earth, receptive
GENDER Feminine
COLORS Green, black, brown, snow white, violet, deep blue of Earth as seen from space
METALS Iron, lead
RULES The body, growth, nature, sustenance, creativity, birth, death (burial), silence, wisdom, practicality, practical wisdom, truth, deep level path or earth walk work, survival, symbols, ritual, ceremony, materilaism, prosperity, sacred knowledge, teaching, learning, patience, fertility, nurturing, stabilizing, chasms, caves, caverns, groves, fields, rocks, standing stones, mountains, directed thought, responsibility, abundance, canyouns, forests, valleys, farms, gardens, arboretums, parks, mines, holes
OILS Cyprus, narcissus, patchouli
INCENSE Storax, myrrh, sagebrush, patchouli, magnolia, mugwort, roots
TOOL Pentacle, broom
INSTRUMENTS Drum, all percussion instruments
STONES Diamonds, hematite, geometrically shaped stones, ores, earth rocks, coal, salt, soil, emerald, peridot, crystal fromations of clusters (gathering wisdome & energy), dark crystals (sacred knowledge & ceremony), onyx (practicality), jasper (earth wisdom), aventurine (prosperity), green jade (growth & prosperity), black jade (patience), deep violet fluorite (ritual & symbols), royal azule (symbols & DNA code), marble (steadfast practicality), amethyst (ritual, wisdom & ceremony)
PLANT WORLD Comfrey, ivy, all grains, cedar tree, slippery elm tree, balm of Gillead, honeysuckle, horehound, jasmine, sage, high St. John the Conqueror, patchouli, vetivert, mosses, lichens, nuts, roots, oak trees (magick & ritual ceremony), redwood trees (sacred wisdom), banyan tree (luck & prosperity), evergreens (ritual)
ANIMALS Bears, bulls, earth dwelling snakes, dogs, horses, earthworms, gophers, ants, cows, burrowing animals, mountain cats (earth walk teachers), moose, buffalo (wisdom & practicality), wolves (teaching earth wisdom), dragons (symbols, ritual & magick), stag deer (ritual, ceremony & authority), herons (organized wisdom from intuition), mythical beasts (learning the symbols of wisdom).
SYMBOLS Burying, planting, making images in soil or sand, salt, clay dish of fresh soil, rocks, sheaves of wheat, acorns
GODDESSES Ceres, Nyphtys, Persephone, Prithini, Cerridwin, Rhiannon (Mare), Gaia (Earth Mother), Dememter (Grain & Abundance), Rhea (Mother of All Deities)
GODS Adonis, Athos, Arwn, Cernnunos, Marduk, Tammuz, Odin (Father of the Gods), Herne (Horned God of the Green Wood), Pan (Joy on Earth)
RITUAL USE Money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding, employment
HELPING ACTIVITIES Nature ceremonies, pagan festivals, studying symbols (runes), shamanic philosophies, Wiccan guides, nature retreats, woodland walks, mountain journeys, cave explorations, medicine helpers
HELPING THOUGHTS With patience do I seek sacred knowledge & wisdom; with practicality do I prosper. With ceremony do I learn earth wisdom. With ritual do I support my soul's growth. With symbols of Earth do I teach.
IMAGERY Vast primordial forests, great boulders covered in lichens, smell the rich loamy depths of the untouched forest, hear the muted sounds of wild things within the depths, feel the cool moist air, the living foliage of the forest
LESSONS Practicality, patience, applied knowledge, measured formulas, teaching, learning, DNA codes, knowledge from symbols, ritual, ceremony, growth, body work, money, possessions, self rank

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