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Thank the Goddess John McCain didn't win!! There would be witch hunts!


So seriously watch it!! it is seriously distrubing! And this happened in OUR time! there has got to be some law against this. Something we can do!

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Comment by Earth's Outcast on December 12, 2009 at 7:41pm
Barbaric!!! Pagans should get to be in political office, just to score irony points and make christians and all those monotheists think. Buddhists are basicly our allies, we do have the support of the Dali Lama, all wee need to do is ask him for his blessing to become President( or Prime Minister in Canada) Hahaha i can see their collective Monotheist faces now! It makes me want to laugh in thier faces!
I love doing this, makes my day.
blessed be LKJ
Comment by Starphish on May 23, 2009 at 3:50pm
its because of people like this pastor that this world is so f-d up. he should be stoned to death in an ironic twist of fate. i feel so bad for the woman...
Comment by Therun on April 12, 2009 at 9:45am
Ignorance of politics and people is a shame. Sen McCain has had friendships of people with many spiritual backgrounds including those of the occult.
I used to live in Las Vegas, NV and visited AZ and knew skyclad pagans who knew and supported him. I voted for him as the experienced candidate, best for the job even though I would have preferred then Sen Hillary Clinton and was and still am, anti-Bush!
Sen McCain was too old and the wrong candidate for this last election. Gov Sarah Palin was a bad choice and in my opinion put the nail in the coffin of his slim chance to win.
Bush made The Obama possible and the Republican Party can be added to those Bush betrayed due to weakness, greed and gross, natural stupidity! I would agree that the Republican Party to a certain extent received what it deserved. They had their best chance with Romney but blew it due to spiritual prejudice!
However, Barry Soetero aka President Barack Hussein Obama who did become a Muslim in HI before moving to Chicago due to legal problems as a troubled youth is not from his background friendly to those who are outside the monotheistic viewpoint.
Disturbingly, he seeks to suppress those who criticize him and who know what I know about him. He was the corporate candidate chosen because he kisses ass as he is a Know-Little with no real convictions. Witness how he deserted his Pastor who was his advisor for 20 years as he has no real courage to uphold the views they held together. At least with Sen McCain you had a consistent individual who was proud of his own name and upbringing that was conservative but mainstream. Those who consider themselves progressive should read Ralph Nader's critique of The Obama who is a figurehead created by media multinational corporate elitists to do their bidding!
A question to pagans who seek to suppress those who you disagree with. What happens when those in power decide to suppress you? The suppression of anybodys rights is a threat to the rights of all! Freedom of speech and association are all we have.
Yes, our Christian enemies are ignorant but they don't fly planes into buildings like those supported by the fundamentalists of The Obama's family religion! There is a difference of degree and the fact that The Obama is considered by the Islamics as a traitor and a welcome target for their Jihadist principles should concern all thinking Americans! We are losing in Afghanistan now and Iran who is super scarey as an international force of all that is intolerant is becoming stronger!
Comment by vovl-concisus-vita on April 6, 2009 at 8:30pm
OMG!!!!!! This is terrible. I know all life is sacred, but this man... He just needs to die or something you know. There is no way at all that he is sacred. He must have some sort of demon in him, a shame the healer in kenya couldn't release it before he ran her out. I feel so sad for her... I wish I could meet her one day, I would praise the goddess to the fullest extent if she is still alive. OMG, i just don't know what to say... *cries*
Comment by lilspellbinder on January 24, 2009 at 9:55am
Merry Meet All,
Looking at this from a viewpoint that is not political, you must be reassured that this sort of unveiling only confirms that this christian pastor is a player. I say unveiling because here we have a pastor in christian society whose actions are those of an opportunist. Look at this way. He gained his fame by way of his dispicable actions of persecution against a woman who is probably a very powerful spiritual healer, in a country where he knew he could get away with it. In a place such as Kenya the native peoples culture and ways of living have been passed down through time and are still in practice whether by being inherent or by choice or by being economy driven. No disrespect intended. I hope I am saying this right. He did this not by being called into action by a higher power as it has been said but by knowing that that the opportunity was there to become (falsely I might add,) revered as a powerful knight of good against evil in gods court. He is a fake who took advantage of a peoples beliefs and vuneralbilities and twisted them to his own advantage. In the end it has only served to make himself known to those who would be his enemies. As for Palin and his flock, why do you think that she is not Vice President right now? Because he does not have the power that he has tried to lay claim to. His Flock? Lambs being led to the slaughter. Fear not he who lay false claim to a throne that is not his to claim. He will be struck down in his own shame, and his next life will not be a good one until humility has taught him to walk in a most sacred way. If he is lucky enough to be given one more opportunity to save himself. It may be too late for him. I am saddened deeply for his victims.
Love and White Light
Blessed Be
Comment by Jade on December 3, 2008 at 10:10am
that you, nereida, for your research! i really appreciate it! I just cant believe someone would actually drive someone out of town with a march against them in this day and age! its unbelievable! i feel so bad for her!
Comment by gone on December 3, 2008 at 6:17am
OK guys slow down. Palin never endorsed the "good" pastor, she even said he was so bold as to not ask God for help, but told Him to make a way. Also, c'mon, anything out of Oberman's mouth has to be taken with a grain of salt. Pardon the pun. Even ultra liberal Ben Affleck made fun of him twisting the truth on SNL!
I will research a little more into that "tie" tho and see if I can find out any hard core relationship btwn the good gov and a witchhunt.
Comment by Autumn on December 3, 2008 at 6:07am
That was absolutely SHOCKING; I feel extremely sick now.
I am stunned. THIS WOMAN could have been in control of the country! She almost had POWER!
i need to lie down.

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