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Telepathic Time Travel ( T.T.T.) and energy folding…

Telepathic Time Travel ( T.T.T.) and energy folding…

This is what any sorcerer worth their salt can do with the altar of their minds. I do not recommend trying this at all if you do not work magic because it may cause adverse effects to your psyche and may open you up to inter-dimensional energies aching to gain access to this dimension via your cranium.
A long time ago, I was a black magician. I promise to tell you all what I used to be like and later but that will not serve my purpose now as I am trying to share a spiritual technique that may amplify your and stabilize your own spiritual evolution.

Think about your past when you were at your most powerful. When you were at the height of your own personal and subjective happiness. When you felt and in your opinion were at your most invincible. Think about it. Do you have that image of your past? If you do, then hold on to it. See and feel that memory as clearly as possible. Remember the emotion you were feeling at that moment, the smells, the temperature, the sounds at that very moment details are critical. In doing this you are opening a telepathic portal to that moment of your past. Feel yourself pulling energy of the colors, in this memory, the feelings you had in that memory, pull in to your present day body the feelings, the energy of your environment at that time, fill yourself up as much as possible until the image fades away.
This is feeding upon the past and bringing back power wisdom strength and lost revelations you once new form that past and using this power in the present.

When I was 24 years old. I worked powerful magic’s in Mexico City undoing the blackest of black magic. Hell, I was very powerful, a natural, 3rd generation and I fed on the psychic, spiritual, physical, natural power and life energy of witches, shamans, healers, black magicians. I also stole their wisdom and experiences. Imagine having memories of having done things and things being done to me and yet knowing all the while that their not mine. Sometimes you either forget or you go batty. Well, anyway, I was a little batty. But I healed many people. I also learned how to go back in time via my telepathic mind and establish a connection with myself, someone else, even a place that I was at or that I saw in my past and draw energy out of it. I had way too much power as a child and as a young adult. So, I periodically go back in time and feed upon myself and the energy I generated or expended so needlessly and carelessly. I even feed on my enemies who I warred with and defeated me in that time. Yes, they are also a part of my past and subject to my chronal feeding frenzy. Hey, energy is energy. It is recyclable and eternal. Now if on the mental and psychic level I can do this, damn. What can’t I do?

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