Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

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Skyclad Retreat at Deer Park Nudist Resort

Merry Meet everyone. I am High Priest and Maureen of our group is High Priestess of the MeetUp group Pheonyx Circle:

The Pheonyx Circle, an adult sacred sexuality group, is having a campout at the Deer Park Nudist Resort in Devore, California, on the weekend
after Litha, Friday morning, and onward, June 18 through Sunday morning and
onward, June 20. ,If you are interested in attending, please contact Mel
Fleming II, organizer, or Queen and Briaor ap Llewellyn, co-organizers,via the Meetup website: http://www.meetup.com/Pheonyx-sacred-sex-and-Pagan-rite/

as more details will become available after our April 5th meeting. Although Deer Park is a family
friendly nudist resort, The Pheonyx Circle event is for adults only, as the

exploration of pagan sexuality and sex magick are a part of our activities. No
children or minors.

The camping fees are $16 dollars a tent per night for less than 20 people, and $15 per person per day/night. If
we get 20 or more the cost is $8 per tent per night (2 nights)and $10 gate
fees, per person (3 days). So if we have twenty people, each with a tent, it is
$46.00 per person for Fri,Sat,Sun. So, we’re going to have 20 or more, right?
…Right? Sharing a tent makes the 2 nights even less than that! The tent fees
are the only thing that need to be paid ahead of time, the gate fees can be paid
when you get there. Mel needs to give the fees to Deer Park by the end of
March. Please make out money orders only please. No checks. Do not make them
out to Mel or Pheonyx Circle, make them out to Deer Park Nudist Resort.

This Meetup Group is about…

Witches, Sacred Sexuality, Pagans, Sexuality Awareness, Sacred Tantra.

Deer Park website so you can get an idea of the beauty of it : http://www.dpnr.com/

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