Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I know this may sound like a silly question, but... i really must ask this.

For those of you that have had a tattoo... does it hurt when you are getting it done?

I know that it sometimes has to do where you are getting it...

Well i'm asking... If you get it on the back of your neck or wrist, does it hurt worse there? Or not at all, or a little bit?
I'm just wondering. Thanks

Blessed Be :0)

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Comment by jaymacfee ~ WhiteBear on December 17, 2008 at 8:25am
I had a roommate who was a tattoo artist. There are two things to consider, if the area is directly over a bone without muscle covering it, it will hurt. Second, there are a couple of spots where there are more nerve endings, wrist and hand for example. The back can be painful especially on the spinal area and near the ribs. There is a book called Urban Pagan which has a chapter on tats. BTW yes, I have one, and will be getting another as funds become available.
Comment by Ffawn on December 10, 2008 at 11:11pm
I have 3...ankle bracelet, chest, and big toe. They hurt but not as bad as you would think. My 16 year old daughter got her first one on her birthday. It is on her belly. My ltl sis got one on the back of her neck and said it was tender but not that bad. You can do it.... and if you wanna be sure, before they load ink in the needle, have them do a dry dot or test where you want the tat so you know what you are in for before you are marked for life. Good Luck!
Comment by Jeannie on December 10, 2008 at 4:27pm
I have a high threshold for pain, so when I had mine done it did not hurt, just got a bit annoying after a while...I am currently planning my next Tat, for my next B-Day a week from now...I can't wait!! I guess the amount of pain depends on where you get it, but I hear from friends that wrists and necks hurt like crazy....
Comment by Kayonna Ameana on December 10, 2008 at 3:42pm
i have a half sleeve on my arm. of course it hurts, the gun is had like 14 needles in it poking at your skin over and over, sometimes when it's on the muscle for me it didnt hurt but when it hit the fatty areas it did of course. it depends on your lvl of pain you can take. it will hurt at frist and then turn into a sun burn feeling after awhile due to your arm getting numb from the pain.

the neck is suppose to be not fun to get and alot of pain. most guys who get full sleeves stop before they hit the wrist due to, to much pain in that area. your back isnt so bad i hear. most places where you have to bend like your elbow and knees are suppose to hurt and also hard to heal in that place.
Comment by erthgoddss on December 10, 2008 at 3:03pm
I don't have one yet... I want one.. but I am a weenie when it comes to pain. (I almost passed out when my ears were pierced! Like I said a major weenie!) All of my friends have tats and they tell me that if it is near bone.. it hurts.. but not so severely that they don't have more than one. The ankle bone, wrist bone.. and the place I want one.. on my chest. Since they all have tats on lower backs, ankles and wrists.. I assume they know what they are talking about.

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