Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Written in 2007



Café Sienna was my favorite coffee shop. It has long since closed but I made so many friends and had so many experiences there that I am at times overwhelmed with nostalgia when I walk by where it used to be. I can remember one day in particular I was enjoying my solitude and allowed my mind to wander as I people watched and savored the decadent flavor of my mocha. The rich, thick chocolate tempered by the heat and espresso. It is a combination that exhilarates my palate. I remember a young man not more than 25 years old who sat silently in his wheel chair at the far side of the enclosed patio not but 10 feet away from me and he was surrounded by other friends of his who where developmentally challenged. Like him. I could tell because the conversations they held were regarding their comic book purchases, the best McDonald’s meals and who had done well in their classes. Conversations one has when one is in elementary. A child's conversation. Innocent, sweet and untouched by the ravages of life. Their caretaker was there and she was quite good at capturing their interest. I could tell they liked her. The young man in the wheel chair caught my eye however because he was the only one not taking part in his groups discussions. I made sure that I did not stare but rather gaze from a peripheral point of view.

He sat there silently. I could tell he wanted to be elsewhere. My heart went out to the guy. I couldn't help but lightly scan his mind telepathically. I was curious as to what could trouble such a simple and innocent mind. I gleaned that he missed some one. He missed someone close to him and felt abandoned. I felt sad for him and felt his sadness and pain. It hurt. He hurt. I heard his caretaker ask him "Tommy you seem kind of quiet today. Are you Okay?” She was trying to coax him out of his mood."Yeah, I'm okay." he said stuttering the words out as best he could. His caretaker added " I know you were supposed to hang out with your dad today, are you a little sad because he wasn't able to see you? She was trying to help him deal with his emotions. I thought that was insightful and sweet of her. I instantly liked her. "Yeah, but it's Okay my dad is really busy with work and he has to work allot. It's okay." His eyes watered as he turned away struggling quietly to keep his tears in place. "Well, don't worry Tommy you'll see him next weekend." she said giving him hope and acknowledging not to press too deeply. She was compassionate and I was impressed with her ability to empathize.

Right when I began to focus on my own inner thoughts and fall away into my own worlds beneath the conscious realms of my mind I saw an older man walk up to the group and stood their looking at Tommy with apologetic eyes and his hands in his pockets. He just stood there and waited for Tommy to acknowledge him. Tommy's caretaker said, "Oh, look whose hear Tommy!" Tommy snapped back to reality and slowly looked up and his eyes lit up and he gave off a smile that was like a child who saw Santa Clause for the first time or a child who was given something he has always wanted. His Eyes began to water a little but he kept it in check and he blurted out shyly but ecstatic "Daddy you came to get me!! Hi Daddy!" My eyes needless to say became red as I was beating back my tears behind my lids with a fury. His father said "Hello Tommy. I wanted to come and say hi to you and your friends. I am sorry I cancelled our day." It's Okay Daddy. I know you’re really really busy." Tommy said accepting his father's apology. "I know I get real busy sometimes with work Tommy but your more important to me than work and I love you so I promise I am going to spend more time with you son. Can we still have our day today? I really miss you." His father said with his voice almost cracking and his eyes welling up like when you realize you have something to live for and you never saw it before. "Okay! Bye guys I am going to hang out with my Daddy!" Tommy said proud and triumphantly. The way a proud child shows off his parent to his peers. His Father excused himself and pushed Tommy on his wheel chair off in to the distance. As the streams of salty water flowed down my face I thanked God above for making one, at Least One of Tommy's dreams come true. There is a lot of beauty in this world and the fact that I witnessed this made me feel closer to it. I just wanted to share this story with you. I still cry every time I tell this story. Tears of pure emotion and happiness for another person. This is a TRUE Story,

The author Alberto a.k.a. "THE BARONESS IVANNA SLAPAHO" Kennedy

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