Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

This week, let's take a look at Pagan Ethics. I promise, we'll HARM NONE!.


A good place to start is to examine just what do we mean by Ethics in the first place. When did we start thinking about Ethics? What does it mean for us personally, or as a society, or, really, what does it mean for us a satient beings? Is the consideration Ethics soley a condition of being human?


The acedemic study of Ethics and its connected philosophies, has divided Ethics up into dozens of different Types, and we'll spend a good deal of time talking about many of the most well-known Ethical Types.


Then we'll connect all that to our current understanding of what modern Neo Pagan is,and what might or might not be expected of those of us who call ourselves Pagan.


Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!

Some of the music you'll hear on this weeks show include The GoGo's: "Our Lips are Sealed"; Isaac Bonewits: "I Fell In Love with the Lady"; Robert Plant & Alison Krauss: "Trampled Rose"; Leonard Cohen: "You Know Who I Am"; Blackmore's Night: "Writing on the Wall" and more.




Maybe you've composed a new poem and would like to hear it on the radio. If you want to submit audio to The Spiral Dance, send me an email. There are basically no rules - just no harsh language, no commercial self-promotion and no Christian-bashing. Please let me know what you think about the show. I'm always open to suggestions; email spiraldance1@ excite.com or radiohawthorne@yahoo.com


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