Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Hi, all. I'm new here and don't really have much to say. This post is more experimental, just to see what I can do here. Since all the little buttons come out in html tags, I'm guessing I can use html here. Let's find out....

Here's a shot I got at the Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati, Ohio....

Interesting. If you hit the "add an image" button, it sticks the image at the top of the post. I'll have to keep that in mind.

Say, here's another one of my Spring Grove pics you might find interesting....

"Fighting Joe" Hooker was a hero of the Mexican War and a General during the Civil War. Most Americans have heard his name often enough. He was so infamous for allowing women of easy virtue into his camps that these women came to be called "Hookers" and have been known as such ever since.

By the way, Hooker's wife, buried beside him, was Olivia Augusta Groesbeck. That name won't mean much to most of you, but some of the local folks may recognize it. Groesbeck is one of the suburbs north of Cincinnati.

Well, let's what else I can try out....
Badai araië mê poshain pil mîdlë.

Just wanted to see if I could use those characters. Those were the easy ones. I 'll try some of the harder ones. Never could get these things to show up on MySpace.

ᾮ Ɠ Ͽ Ѫ ♣

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Comment by Imber on November 17, 2008 at 10:48am
Welcome Scott and thank you for the history lesson. I did not know that tidbit about the Hooker name.
Comment by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on November 16, 2008 at 9:19am
Glad you could pave new road here Scott... Welcome to NPWorld!
Comment by Scott on November 16, 2008 at 3:53am
Cool!!! Those symbols at the end don't really mean anything. I just threw in a few of the weird ones to see what would happen. That phrase in italics is Sothesian, a conlang I haven't got up online yet. I was just looking for words that had the particular letters I wanted to try out and couldn't think of anything cool to say. It means, "The squirrel buried my nuts behind the tower."

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