Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

What I will do is gather several Items, and go out to my circle (look at my pics), and close it, pushing out all negative energies, and welcoming all the spirits and the goddess and god. I will take out there, a glass of water (water), three candles (god, goddess, and fire), my lighter (bought it at the gas station today), some herbs (earth) my cologne (air), and my staff. Now thats a crapload of stuff, so needless to say, more than one trip.

I will place two candles in the center of the circle, my cologne to the east, the third candle to the south, the glass of water to the west, and the herbs to the north. I will walk widdershins and dismiss all negative energies, then deosil welcoming each of the elements in sequence. I will then invite and welcome the god and goddess to my circle and light the left candle (god) and right candle (goddess) after each invitation. I will ask them to bless me and my staff. I will then walk to the east and ask the god/desses of the air to bless my staff and rid it of all negative energies and spray my cologne and twirl my staff in its essence.. To the south, fire i will pass my staff through the flame, west, water, I will pass my staff over the water, and north, earth, i will pass my staff over the herbs. I will return to the two center candles and ask the god/dess to concecrate my staff, rid it of all negative energies, and grant me ownership. After I feel they have done that, I will thank the god for granting me his presence, and bid him leave. Then the goddess. Then I will walk along the circle widdershins bidding the watchtowers leave and thanking them for their help and presence. I will open up the circle and draw all the energies I stored into the staff, ending the concecration.

oh, and I might try to get this one on video, but there is no definate promise there yet. If I do, I will post it on here, and possibly youtube. Thank you for reading, i will be watching for feedback.

p.s. my offering last night went very well. For those of you who know why, the goddess told me that I was forgiven, but never to do it again.

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Comment by vovl-concisus-vita on April 11, 2009 at 10:44pm
thank you kodi, again, a raging success. One problem though, you cant see anything in the video. all you can see is the candle fires. oh, and an important detail, I believe that I heared the horned god roar twice in the video. You will hear cars pass, but his roar is distinct. I cannot upload it, as it is 736 mb, and the uploader only accepts 100mb or smaller. If you are interested in the video though, send me a private message with your email address in it and I will send it to you. thank you.

Vovl. (oh, you get to hear how you would pronounce my name in the vid too. just another plus.)
Comment by Kodi Jimenez on April 11, 2009 at 9:46pm
Very detailed V. Great description and good luck. I'll be right there with you as always.

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