Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Merry Meet-
I am know on here as Lenore and i believe that i am well liked. I do not believe that i have any enemies on this website. I do realize that i have not been on recently but that is due to complications that have accrued recently. I should be able to get on more often now.
Recently i have been dealing with so much. Alot of it is really hard to explain. I guess that if you really wish to know the details you can ask.
The point of this is that lately i have been developing spiritually and i hardly understand most of it. I am still fairly new to the craft. I am full of questions and i have no one to ask. I live in the middle of Christian Paradise and if i even so much as hint about the Goddess i get called a satanist. I know it doesn't make any sense but most people these days are clueless. I am the only one in my family who is Wiccan and more than half of my family would (pardon my french) shit a gold nugget if they knew.
I have recently begun working with auras. I hope to begin Astral Projection soon. I am a fast learner. Recently I've also noticed that i can predict the future. It's only very vague and not a real big deal. It's still awesome either way. :) I am also good at sensing emotions through text, and i am showing signs of being clairvoyant. (My friend and i were doing a past life regression and i was able to see pictures in my head of what she was talking about. I described them to her later and found out that the ones she saw were the same.) I would like to learn how to improve upon these abilities and a few others. Please if you think that you can help me please let me know! If you have any questions feel free to ask! That you for taking the time to read this and possibly help me.
Marry Part

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Comment by Lenore on June 8, 2009 at 12:50pm
Thank You! Sorry about never being on. (I know I say that alot.) Our internet kept going out so we finally switched to RoadRunner. It's awesome!
Comment by Kodi Jimenez on May 7, 2009 at 8:36pm
Lenore, I will always help you, all you need to do is contact me. I will help you in any way possible. I know a lot about astral projection, also reading and seeing auras. I work with astrology and also I have predictive dreams. I lucid dream quite frequently and I also study totem animals. If you want me to help you, just ask. I'm here for ya!

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