Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Let me be
Let me die
Let me bleed
Let me cry

Put my pain away
Tuck it into bed
Cozy in myself
Once again the slumbering Dead

Soul is searching
To be touched like no other

Fill me with your dreams so that I may uncover
The secrets of your mind
Of your soul
Of your own prison you call life

Why not show me above all else
To me you are my heart
My life
My one true key to happiness

Tell me of your past
Just kiss me and guide me
So I may once again breathe
So I can be your relief

Never will you be alone
I'll forever be by your side
I'll hold you until the pain subsides
I shall simplify your life

I will be your relief
I can be your savior
Just show me your pains
I will kiss them away

Distance means nothing
Age is only a number
A soul is eternal
And love is always answered

Now you have me
Forever your lover
Forever your heart
Forever I shall be your relief

I wrote this when I was stressing out. I vented on paper and then turned the original penned poem into something positive. To me love is a release and a safe haven from the outside world. As long as you have your love by you, anything is possible if only you look closely at it. Take it one step at a time and good things will come. Look for it, find it, hold it close, just as a lover would hold you.

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Comment by Cameron S. on June 3, 2009 at 6:52pm
Great work. You really get the feeling that some times something simple as hearing how honest and sincerity can be so heart touching.You put a lot of effort into this and made it turn into something truly unique and beautiful. I feel in my opinion that the hardest thing is being able to act upon what you say. To whom ever be your lover they are truly lucky to find someone with such a good heart as you kodi.
Comment by Kodi Jimenez on May 31, 2009 at 3:43pm
Thank you ladies for your comments and your love for me. I really try to put my whole soul and all of my emotions in my writings. To know that it made you gals emotional really means a lot to me, because my intention was to do exactly that, arouse emotion from deep within, to help with inner healing that I am sure we all need inside. Just know that I am here for you all no matter what, and I always will be.
Comment by THE BITCH FROM HELL on May 31, 2009 at 1:03pm
baby I love this I am glad you are starting to vent more and talk to me more I glad u trust me as I trust you you mean everything to me if I did not have you in my life I think I would not have stayed on this earth all I need in this world is u I need one else other then you I would give up every thing just for you my true lover

Comment by Carabella on May 30, 2009 at 5:05pm
wow that really brought tears :) i love this kodi. knowing how that feels, makes it even better. feeling like you could just shut the switch to your life off and knowing there is one good thing out there just waiting on you....to make your world whole....is something worth living for. :) love ya girl. i would love to see more of your poetry.

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