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Premonitions have been studied for many years, these functions that give the mind a swift and at time painful glimpse into the future or the present around us are an amazing proof of the power of the human mind. Some believe that these premonitions are set in stone but the truth of the matter is they can only perceive a look into what will happen calculated on the path one is currently following.

You see each choice and decision we make alters the path set before us, destiny if you will some may only alter it in small ways others effect major aspects of our lives, so this is not a topic I would consider taking lightly by no means. I have spoken with numerous individuals whom have told me at least a few times in their lives they have had premonitions the percentage was about 60% to be exact. I was impressed needless to say.

It has been proven many times we only use a small portion of our brain and I believe premonitions, esp and other such occurrences are forms of us tapping into un-used areas of our minds. I am convinced we have the ability to use other areas of the brain because as follows,

Back in the early 1980's a young boy had a tumble down a flight of stairs, he was in a coma for several months, the brain activity on the side that was supposed to be functioning was almost un detectable, However the activity on the other side was increasing with each passing day. Eventually he woke up but it was as if his mentality had been wiped clean. He had to learn everything all over again which put him 5 years behind in his mental development.

The point is when one side of his brain failed the other side kicked in to save his life. He is now left handed as opposed to right handed as he was before the accident. Which is also more proof that we can use these areas of the brain which are uncharted regions of the mind. I am pretty sure when more studies have been done that we will find the three levels of the mind will be a slight understatement it is my opinion that we have many more levels of the mind.

There has been mention of fortune tellers, gypsies, psychics and such individuals for centuries I have no doubt in my mind that premonitions are possible, as they are another form of mind disciplines. I first realized power of the mind when I was a young child in school. We had a group of people visit and put on a small show, they were steel benders, I was amazed. They had trained their minds to believe that they are stronger than the metal and they were.

Over the years I have practiced several disciplins of the mind but premonitions always came natural to me even as a small child. I feel it is a gift meant to use for good, to help people understand what the future holds for them considering the path they are following, not to mention it can be a warning to get ready for trouble, grief or problems which can be avoided. Many will claim to have this ability but I have only seen a rare few that actually do. In any case I believe most of us have the ability sleeping deep in our mind it is just a matter of awakening it.

By Eternity 2-26-2009

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