Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

It has been proven we only use a portion of our brain, can you imagine being able to access other areas of your brain, could you concieve that? Well such things we witness most often...just some are not aware, an example: Have you ever experanced a dream so real it stayed in your mind? It may be a day then again it may be five years down the road and this dream you have had you find happening around you..or another example: say you have a friend,partner,ect... to whom you are very close to and you have things happen such as you mean to say something to them but before you can they answer you or begin to speak about the subject themselves. Linked on the same wave level but not all can do this it requires access to a different portion of the brain to do so.

To have the abillity to focus energy on something it is like placing a code inside a string of energy the code being as such a spell or a suggestion in order to change happenings or the opinions of others, (magic) maybe then again maybe not... another example of power of the mind: A woman and her children are in a car accident say, one of the children are traped, the mother panics and without thinking or debating whether or not she can she moves the heavy car in order to save the child. This has happened, The will of wanting to move the car was stronger than the need to doubt that it was possible. something I wittnessed was my own mother I was seven years old, mother woke in a panic saying something is wrong with the baby, we ran to check on my eleven month old sister, she was laying inside her baby bed looking at a fist sized spider inches from her face. Now could it be possible that the baby without knowing or understanding how to just made her mother aware something just isnt right here? (Mothers Intuition) a psychic power

In order to acheive these powers in normal surcumstances one has to free their mind of all doubt, balance ones chaos and sirenity the balance is the key, meditation and ritituals can help acheive this. How? well meditation can bring a person to balance through focusing on one certain thought or object. Ritituals use chants and tools aswell as symbols as a means of placing focus and ones energy on needed areas in order to acheive the set forth goal. To be able to access the minds power one must first know that they in fact can, all doubt must to be sat aside a level of balance must be acheived , once at balance ones mind is open to the possibilities, Much like steel benders these people use the power of their minds they have an understanding that the mind is infact stronger than the steel thus giving them the strength to bend it. The abillities your mind has are so simply obtained, you however must be willing to accept this fact though.

Durring my research one person described his mind as being made up of many doors along a dark area, this is true in a sense the mind has many levels to it that is only the surface what lies beyond the doors and the darkness are deeper areas. Lets take a moment to separate these areas to give a better understanding of how it works.

1. The surface of your mind (Consciousness)

This is the level of ones self awareness it contains things such as dicission making, sensations, emotions, states of an individuality.

2. The level just beyond, (Subconcious)

This area is made up of things existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness ones subliminal self.

3. The next level the (Unconscious)

This is the source of both creativity and distructiveness, where what influences ones mind forms a system of beliefs, in turn developing the strengths and weakness of the subconscious.

Now to go deeper into oneself the Spirit/Soul/Eternal Conscious, I believe it to have the same three levels aswell as others, I believe we it holds memories aswell as knowledge of our past lives and so on. Such areas have been accessed through hypnosis some claim to have memories of past lives durring dreams, I personaly believe this is possible. In my opinion I would say this is where ones inner power comes from the very base of knowledge one posesses so to speak the greater the knowledge the stronger the power of the mind, everytime we obtain and understand knowledge a step has been taken (Mental Evolvement) from there we thrive to obtain more of an understanding of all that we know hence giving us the desire to obtain more knowledge and expand our minds. I think all the levels of the mind are linked and all that we learn are stored in them in some way or form.

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