Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


My master’s heart is so cold, it gives mine frost bite. He lies. He told me he was the light that guides me. I fell for his illusions only to understand that he is the warden to the inevitable darkness that has become the prison that hides me. From the world I turned away from, but have always sought to be a part of. It’s his words that cut in to me like razor blades against my tear stained face. All I see is nothing when I look in to the mirror of his eyes when he stares at me. All I am now, is the embodiment of his command.

I have died long ago, there is no miracle and no cure for the pure emotions I used to feel. I am not a victim of loss but of longing. Not of pain but of nothingness that will not leave me. My heart empty and barren as a wasteland riddled with the screaming whistles of the wind. I am but a song without melody. Ache and numbness are the only jewelry that I wear. You would no doubt get lost in the stare of the deep pools of the abyss that are my eyes.

I vaguely remember how I used to feel, The smell of happiness and love. I think it smelled like baby powder and roses. Lavender and vanilla. I can almost make out the fading memory of feeling loved and being hugged so much It made me both smile and just a bit embarrassed. I can remember the feeling of not wanting it to end. But that is as close to the light as my master allows me to get.

I allowed my darkeness to bind and murder the light in my soul. For convenience. For Lust. For all the reasons a superficial, young, capricious and beautiful person would. Never really caring or thinking that there would be a price to pay and there would be nothing at the end of my adventures. But there he was. Waiting for me. To devour me. Nothing.

My master’s heart is so cold, it gives mine frost bite. He lies. He told me he was the light that guides me. I fell for his illusions only to understand that he is the warden to the inevitable darkness that has become the prison that hides me. From the world I turned away from, but have always sought to be a part of. It’s his words that cut in to me like razor blades against my tear stained face. All I see is nothing when I look in to the mirror of his eyes when he stares at me. All I am now, is the embodiment of his command.

I would cry if I could feel the pangs of torment that wrenches the salty agony from one’s face. I would howl with hate and hurt in my voice to send chills down the spine of God himself to rush to my aid. But I am not myself anymore. I belong to no one. Not even me. I am undone and nothing anymore but an echo of what used to be. Inside.

My Master is timeless and so to his power. All those that become his children have no destiny to speak of and are but vessels for his commands. Imbued with his will. And that will has one goal. To suffer. So, that is what we give to others, that is what we cause unto others and when he is not looking? That is what we can even take away from others. Suffering. So, he may in the fullest of time go hungry and not devour the future. For…

My master’s heart is so cold, it gives mine frost bite. He lies. He told me he was the light that guides me. I fell for his illusions only to understand that he is the warden to the inevitable darkness that has become the prison that hides me. From the world I turned away from, but have always sought to be a part of. It’s his words that cut in to me like razor blades against my tear stained face. All I see is nothing when I look in to the mirror of his eyes when he stares at me. All I am now, is the embodiment of his command.

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