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Sometimes I…

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because What is? Has been and always was.

I am not better than you, because of what I have or what I do. I’m the same as you, because just like you? To my own self I’m true always doing what I got to do, to get myself and everyone else I love up, above and surviving on through.

I constantly remind myself that money and possessions are enhancers. A means to an end but not the end itself, I will not allow it to mold, shape or define myself. Though in this day and age, it can buy health, wealth is truly found in the hearts of those that give and live in a world where they attempt to help somebody else before themselves.

Giving, promotes healing and forgiving. Teaching means you’re giving others the knowledge to become the future and to become far reaching. Sometimes I forget these things, blinded by the now of my reality and the disappointment it brings. Still my heart sings through the waters of inequity, shattering my glass prisons of loneliness and misery. Bitterness and jealousy? No thank you, that isn’t me.

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because what is? Has been and always was.

I can see beauty surrounding me, the ocean, the mountains, different races, smiling faces, my hips, my size, my lips, my eyes and yours. Making me realize, this is what divine graces is.

Why must I compete with you to survive and live my life? I’d rather pick up a pen and write than pick up a knife and fight causing you pain and strife. Why can’t you just live your life and let me live my life?

Before I found my own personal Xanadu, I used to do what I thought I had to do, Get you before you do, what I feared I couldn’t do, ethics and morals tend to get skewed, when your peers, family and society tells you life is all about screwing or getting screwed.

I see now life is less lewd when we are the ones that make it crude, coloring our reality with senseless feuds and venomous judgements spewed, allowing us to become more and more arrogant. Forgetting that we should always be thankful for our drink and food, knowing forgetting and not caring that others have less than nothing is vulgar and rude.

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because What is? Has been and always was.

I know How to hate, hurt, harbor resentment, do dirt and put in work. I also know how to forgive, live and let live, protect and give, shelter, food and never challenge but exalt yourself worth.

I apologize for the pain I wrought. The pain I brought by making you rot in the very heart that resembles mine. Your grace is just as Divine as mine. Your presence, equally as sublime as mine. If in your soul forgiveness you find, I ask with mine if you would be so kind as to blend it and share it with mine. Nothing can hurt me or hurt you when we understand and never take forgiveness for granted because forgiveness is the truest virtue.

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because What is? Has been and always was.

Sometimes I forget I am as fallible as anyone else, I am so much more than just myself, I breathe the same air that everybody else does because What is? Has been and always was.

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