Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

to follow ones path is not two start a new one but to continue a path long forgotten and less often traveled. we decover hurt sorrow and we discover happiness as well as understanding. each path has many things to discover some we share with others some we do not. each path leads to a point a crossroad to another path the one that becomes chosen reflects on your values of truth. however is it not truth we have set out to find to begin with? is it not truth that we are almost always looking for and when we find that truth what comes next? is it not already deep inside us to begin with. something just bared so deep we must seek it out....yet what is the point if we do not wish to cause harm in finding out? one does not TRULY learn if one does not experience. Yet in experience we are able to help others creating a path many can follow yet what is the point of the path yet one in most cases we have traveled so long on our own does then our path become one we eventually travel together with ones close. or is it cheating ourselves out of our own time day by day holding on to the one we see as true beauty ones of innocence where do we go when we just don't know? if we can't continue to think think do ones dreams...ones goals meen nothing? or is that the point to give those dreams meaning as well as per-pus? this one walks to find out. I gues my question now is wha path do I know I want t take that I know is best for everyone. how do i surpass being true to myself as well as follow the path I feel is right . All I can do is go by what I feel and the lessons mother nature has taught me. thus I walk with the one I love. though It will take time. it will take the knowledge from the sea's the spirit of the wind. the strength of the earth and the passion to follow through with that of fire. and with fire create a new beginning

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