I see you dancing on the floor
I take a seat at the bar
A double shot of jack
On the rocks
It's called sippin whiskey
And I'm gonna take my time
You see my eyes
Tracking every move of your hips
We both smile
I take a sip
You dance out the song
Movement is effortless for you
Your body melds with the beat
And become a hybrid
Of fluid motion and sound
I take a sip
And watch updates on Sports Center
Damn it's baseball highlights
I hate baseball
I take a sip
And hardly notice
As you approach the bar
You order something colorful
I make fun of your ridiculous purse
But with a smile on my face
You laugh
And ask my name
You're here with some of your girlfriends
But Shannon
Is getting on your last nerve
And they keep hating anyways
Cause you have on the nicest gear
I won't argue with that and
I take a sip
You take large gulps out of a straw
We both exchange stories
About how our friends drive us crazy
As if on cue
My friend Ray insults one of your girls
You laugh it off and finnish your drink
I take a sip
And tell Ray to chill out
You order another drink
While I switch topics
To music
You're 21
I'm 32
The age became apparent
When I reallized
I hate every band
You just said you liked
But you seem to take interest
In the bands I like
I take a sip
And we talk about Zeppelin
You're on your third drink
And find me
Terribly funny
I find a Gorrilaz song on the jukebox
You start to dance on me
So I put my hands on your hips
I squeeze a little
While letting your hips
Go where they may
You like how my hands
Feel strong
You look in my eyes
I smile
While sneaking my arm
Up to the back of your head
I pull on your hair
While your hips push into mine
Without knowing
You let out a little moan
In your startlement
The song's over
And you head back to the bar
I take a sip
And realize my drink is gone
I order another shot
While you slam another glass
I take a sip
You head out to take a smoke
With that girl Shannon
She's not bugging you now
As you hang off of her shoulders
Laughing like a lunitic
About something she said
The wolf pack follows the deer
And my friends and I
Find ourselves outside too
I hear sounds of vomiting
And spitting
Ray makes a joke
And we all have a laugh
Soon I find myself
Talking with you again
Rob ditches me on purpose
I have no choice but to ask for a ride
I say silent prayers to Nox
And by the grace of Summanus
You give me your keys
I struggle to follow your directions
But Hekate guides us home
Thank goodness
For the lords of the night
I'm your crutch
As we make it to your porch
You puke off the railing
I hold you from falling
You spin around and kiss me
Your breath tastes like
Ciggarettes, alcohol, and puke
Your tongue feels slimey
Like a vodka soaked eel
Invading my mouth
My hands squeeze your butt
And pull you into me
Our hips
Are joined
Our lips are locked
I pull on your hair again
And expose your neck
I plant my lips down
I form a seal
As I bite down
You moan in pleasure
And I kiss where I bit
My right hand
Starts to massage your left breast
My thumb pinching at your nipple
While the rest of my hands
You put a hand on my crotch
Smile as you felt me
And I push you down
On your couch
We slip and fall
Hitting the floor we both giggle
But our mouths lock once more
And I mount you
I pull your shirt up
And gently kiss your
Now very erect
You let out a moan
And I start to slide down
Your pants
I kiss you softly
Just on the outside of your thong
You love the way my breathing feels
And my soft lips
I feel the heat
Generating just below the fabric
We make love that night
I lost track of the time
Not sure how much sleep I got
But I felt pretty good
When I woke up
You yell for water
And I get you a glass
From your sink
You kiss me and
Write down your number
One of these days
I should give it a ring
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