2,6,4,10,18,4, 2,12,16,10 4,10,10,10,10,8,14 2,6,4,10,18,4,12
44 40 66 56
8 4 12 11
4 2 6
BIRTH DATE: 11/11/1972
>Major Arcana: An Intro
> 00-Fool
> 01-Magician
> 02-Priestess
> 03-Empress
> 04-Emperor
> 05-Hierophant
> 06-Lovers
> 07-Chariot
> 08-Strength
> 09-Hermit
> 10-Wheel
> 11-Justice
> 12-Hanged Man
> 13-Death
> 14-Temperance
> 15-Devil
> 16-Tower
> 17-Star
> 18-Moon
> 19-Sun
> 20-Judgment
> 21-World
Those who find themselves harnessing the number 8 will have an energy and will power that is unbridled. Refusing to be tamed or subjugated, they will have a difficult time appreciating, or even respecting authority preferring to be the authority themselves. If this energy goes unchecked just as stars burn brightly they can also burn out or fall. A balance is always needed to generate, harness and use power. The balance is tempering power with wisdom. Many confuse Intelligence with wisdom thus weakening their inner strength with ego and arrogance. Intelligence is knowledge implemented to any given challenge but wisdom is earned though time and life and translates to the proper use of power. No one can truly tame the beast within us all except ourselves and if left untamed, we eventually devour ourselves. Strength is the union of our animal and divine selves. Those with this number are also highly sensual and possess charisma that can naturally enchant and attract. Most but not all of the tribe of this number are natural warriors or ardent protectors of the first order.
Anyone whose name is a 4 is a force to be reckoned with. The Emperor augurs a personality, which is both magnanimous and implacable. Because of this dichotomy, people with this number are seen as capricious and feared or disliked because of their highly unpredictable temperament. In the words of First Baron, Lord Acton “Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Some people of the number 4 are conquerors and subjugators while others use their skills in an honest attempt to effect change and still seen as tyrants. People with 4 as their names number, are capable of great compassion and kindness and can be the best of friends. Brilliant and natural strategists and unafraid to take risks. They do however have a tendency to be contemptuous and condescending which can bring about their downfall when looking for friendships and new allegiances and the general fortifying of their position or goals. The EMPEROR personifies the Divine Male energy in the physical realm possessing the positive and negative aspects attributed to man.
Associated with Malchidael, Archangel of the zodiac sign Aries. Title Son of the morning. Chief among the mighty ones.
ALBERT= 2= High Priestess:
The quintessential principal of spirituality and mysticism theory and the comprehension of things not based on the physical. Those who find the number 2 in their name are very close to the divine feminine and the union of their inner male and female energies gives them a greater understanding of the universe around them and can even with certain people promote their ability to see beyond the seen i.e.; clairvoyance, mediumistic and natural and supernatural cycles that others haven’t a clue exists.
There is a highly psych and interdimensional quality to the priestess that almost always goes overlooked. Before you can pierce dimensions you must first be aware of them, before you work with energies or call upon archetypal principals you must first become aware of them. Revelations and truth are the bread and butter of those who are one with the number 2. Associated with all zodiac signs with an affinity to all water signs. Archangel associated with The High Priestess is Gabriel Levannael or Gabriel “Of the Moon” Title: Priestess of the Silver Star.
JOHN= 4= The Emperor:
Anyone whose name is a 4 is a force to be reckoned with. The Emperor augurs a personality, which is both magnanimous and implacable. Because of this dichotomy, people with this number are seen as capricious and feared or disliked because of their highly unpredictable temperament. In the words of First Baron, Lord Acton “Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” Some people of the number 4 are conquerors and subjugators while others use their skills in an honest attempt to effect change and still seen as tyrants. People with 4 as their names number, are capable of great compassion and kindness and can be the best of friends. Brilliant and natural strategists and unafraid to take risks. They do however have a tendency to be contemptuous and condescending which can bring about their downfall when looking for friendships and new allegiances and the general fortifying of their position or goals. The EMPEROR personifies the Divine Male energy in the physical realm possessing the positive and negative aspects attributed to man.
Associated with Malchidael, Archangel of the zodiac sign Aries. Title Son of the morning. Chief among the mighty ones.
JOHN= 2= High Priestess:
The quintessential principal of spirituality and mysticism theory and the comprehension of things not based on the physical. Those who find the number 2 in their name are very close to the divine feminine and the union of their inner male and female energies gives them a greater understanding of the universe around them and can even with certain people promote their ability to see beyond the seen i.e.; clairvoyance, mediumistic and natural and supernatural cycles that others haven’t a clue exists.
There is a highly psych and interdimensional quality to the priestess that almost always goes overlooked. Before you can pierce dimensions you must first be aware of them, before you work with energies or call upon archetypal principals you must first become aware of them. Revelations and truth are the bread and butter of those who are one with the number 2. Associated with all zodiac signs with an affinity to all water signs. Archangel associated with The High Priestess is Gabriel Levannael or Gabriel “Of the Moon” Title: Priestess of the Silver Star.
Those who find that they have the number 5 in their name will be deeply spiritual or religious. They may or may not like brandishing their religious views out like a flag but they are for the most part very defined. In this modern era one does not have to belong to any orthodox religion or sect but have a great affinity for life and creation. This is also to be spiritual. There are those under the influence of this number that are more than religious they are vessels of higher beings and thus Mediums, Avatars and conduits come under this category. Those who are number fives are constants and change very little. They are a permanent fixture in the lives of those they touch and those who touch them. They are the ones that everybody goes to for advice, counseling, healing, spiritual healing, they are the keepers of secrets and they always seem to make people feel better after speaking to them. Indeed they are the priest souls and where the Emperor is in command of others, the Hierophant is in command of not only himself but of the spiritual energy in all things and our connection to it. (Associated with the Archangel of Taurus, Asmodel. Title Magus of the eternal Gods.)
This is a great number to be affiliated with. Having this number in your name means love will never be denied to you and that your heart will always be open to it. The love this speaks of will not be fleeting or superficial and will be felt by both parties. This card can also speak of a pronounced lack of love and tremendous spiritual agony that the absence of this love can wreak on a soul but that is rare.
(Associated with Ambriel The Archangel of Gemini. Title: The Children of the Voice of Light, oracle of the mighty Gods.
Those under the influence of number 11 are the few that hold ethics and honor in high esteem and value than most others. It is vastly important to these people to act in accordance to their ethics. They are fair and impartial and will always adhere to the laws and edicts handed down by authorities higher than they. There are some who are also under the power of this number that feel that they are the dispensers of Justice and these types of people feel correct to take the law into their own hands. Number eleven people are rational, objective, cold and dispassionate when assessing both sides and cannot stomach lies or the omission of facts and truth and see it as a betrayal most cruel.
These people are the protector and advocates for those that need protection or justice. They are the warriors that will always fight for the disenfranchised and the subjugated. These people are the seekers, fighters for and upholders of justice.
People whom find the number 12 in their name can be a tad dramatic and hyper sensitive. They are also the ones that will give the shirt off their back for someone with no questions asked and have a deeply honed sense of honor and ethics. People of this tribe will often have a need for solitary development and are often seen as loners or mysterious sometimes even creepy. But the cycles the 12 people go through and much like a butterfly they break out of their self imposed cocoon and become very social and often the Alphas of their circles because of all the inner work they have done the resulting spiritual maturation that took place during their dark night of the soul. Those who are ruled by the hanged man either by name or by birth date unfortunately and fortunately will go through these dark nights of the soul throughout their lives. The Dark nights of the soul are those phases in one’s life where we walk to roads. The road of spirit and magic and the road we walk everyday in life. They are stigmata moments of melancholy, revelation, pain and trials of spiritual endurance. They are times of self imposed sacrifice or inevitable sacrifice itself. Stigmata wounds on the flesh are painful but a stigmata wound in the soul is a pain not many can stand. They are not for the faint of heart and are designed to try your faith, belief and your soul. Those claimed by the number 12 will always have these moments in their lives and this is the cross that they carry so others will not have too. The stigmata of the soul is a both a blessing and a torment because you will always be between the world of spirit and flesh. You will be able to see the unseen and know the unknown. We have all met those under the power of 12. They are the “Stigmata souls” those people who don’t quite fit in, people who are who defy categorization or societal norms and pay the price for being uncanny. They are the people that are crucified, beaten up by bullies or never seem to catch a break and have seemingly numerous strikes against them but the somehow keep trucking along. The shunned, the ignored, the forlorn and the unaccepted. These people took on this life task so we wouldn’t have too. This is the most painful stigmata of all. Because of this, this opens you up even further than most to the wisdom and power of the unseen. (When I use the word stigmata, it is to refer to the mark of spiritual and mystic passage and nothing to do with any Christian or Catholic reference since stigmata is not an exclusive experience of these orthodox faiths.)
(Associated with all water zodiac signs. Archangel Chankiel Title: Spirit of the mighty waters.)
This is a great number to be affiliated with. Having this number in your name means love will never be denied to you and that your heart will always be open to it. The love this speaks of will not be fleeting or superficial and will be felt by both parties. This card can also speak of a pronounced lack of love and tremendous spiritual agony that the absence of this love can wreak on a soul but that is rare.
(Associated with Ambriel The Archangel of Gemini. Title: The Children of the Voice of Light, oracle of the mighty Gods.
Those who are under the power of number 7 are the bringers of light to dark places. It is the power of the High Priestess in motion and as such, brings darkness to the light. The Chariot augurs a personality that pushes through insurmountable obstacles and transforms the standard norms. The Chariot also denotes elements of battle so yes, anybody that finds number seven in their chart will need to make peace with the fact that it will be an uphill battle and victories will not come easy. Number seven people are harbingers of change and bringers of a new dawn and so they are rarely received well in places where corruption, practices of deceit and unethical conduct are rampant. They are the emissaries of both order and chaos in the sense that if there is too much order where order begins to subjugate then their presence will naturally inspire the end of this and if there is an overabundance of chaos, their presence will naturally inspire it’s end as well.
Hermits relish their solitude. They know it is the only true way to grow and get to the deepest, truest self. If you know who you are when you are alone then you know who you are when you’re around everyone else and when they are always around you. Hermit people value knowing themselves above all else. The magician studies the outer and spiritual worlds; the hermit studies the fathomless inner worlds within the universe of the self. People who have the Hermit number in the birth date need to have times of solitude and alones and feel equally happy to reflect and be alone as they are when they are surrounded by people though they tend to avoid masses of people or crowds in general. Hermits know themselves so well and attune themselves to the collective consciousness that they are highly telepathic and have no patience for lies and denial of truth from others as well as themselves. They can see things in their mind clearly and their mind is less cluttered than most. (Associated With Virgo and the Archangel of Virgo Hamaliel. Title: “Magus of the voice of light, prophet of the Gods.)
The sun in any one’s birth date numerical chart is an excellent indication of someone with star potential. The personality under the influence of the number 19 is someone who can light up a room or blind others with an overbearing personality. They are people that others can’t help but to notice. For good or bad. The people can be loving and warm or aggressive hot heads. Overall the sun people are positive and love to bring fresh energy to new environments and help make projects, relationships and the friendships of others prosper and grow with no expectation of anything in return. It is instinctively what they do. They harness a great passion for life and energy and love to share it and seek out dark and shadow to bring that light to those that need it the most. If you have a sun person in your life you may notice that your health is at an all time high when you are around this person because their energy is a deluge of adrenaline which makes you much more active and happier than usual. These people no matter how young or how old have an innocent and kind quality that can’t help but to empower those around them. They are loyal and always a constant. Looking for new experience to share with those they care for and those that care for them. (Associated with the Sun is the Archangel of the sun itself Michael Shemeshel. Title Archangel of the sun.)
BIRTH DATE: 11/11/1972
11 (1+1=2) /11 (1+1=2)/ 1972(1+9+7+2=19)
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