Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Eclecticism is an often misunderstood classification of Witchcraft. There are too many individuals, Pagans and non-Pagans, who believe that their way is the only way. Some feel that eclectic witches are "belief thieves" because they study many different religions, but only adopt what fits their own spiritual hunger. Others are certain that the eclectic path is not "real" because it does not follow specific rules. That is nothing but horrid blunder - of course they have rules! Many have chosen to follow one rule, which should be more widely pursued: "If it harms none, then do as you will" This - to me - means to follow one's heart, to be happy, to embrace the Old Powers, and to make sure that all is done without hurting others or oneself. And if damage happens to occur , by mistake or on purpose, then one should take responsibility for one's actions and be ready to accept the repercussions.

I am an Eclectic Witch. I believe in celebrating the Old Ones in my own intimate way. I have borrowed - and will continue to borrow - from the teachings of different traditions, Pagan. I will - very respectfully - make use of anything that brings happiness to my life, and that makes me feel closer to my Gods. I will keep my soul open and swear that if I ever feel that my eclecticism offends the Old Ones, then I will certainly change my wicked ways. Until then, I will continue walking my eclectic path, learning all the best things from everything and everyone around me.

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Comment by layla on November 17, 2008 at 4:46pm
It was last year in june that i finally realized that i am an eclectic wiccan, and all the puzzle pieces just started to fall into place. Before that, I never could understand why I was so different from every one else. Why I just couldn't take on thier belief structure like they could.Then I met my husband, Johann. He started explaining his beliefs to me and they just sounded and felt so right. It's not because I thought he was HOT... It really felt right. So I started studying more and more on different kinds of religion and, as you've already said, different parts of different religions seemed to fit together. I think that some one got the religions all jumbled up some how. But it's up to the individual to put it back together the way it fits them. You guys said it a lot better, but that's my input on the subject. blessed be.
Comment by Imber on November 17, 2008 at 11:38am
Bravo! Well said my sister... We must always look at everything before we can decide what is right for our path. No one walks the same path and I for one think that is a wonderful thing. I am proud to be an Eclectic Witch and I will forever continue to evaluate all spiritual thoughts and practices for inclusion into my own.
Comment by Rowan Canterbury on November 17, 2008 at 5:46am
The truth is...We DON'T KNOW. none of us do.. Anyone that says they KNOW for sure their path is right is either lying or just stubborn...it is Right for them...I think in order to be a great Pagan one must learn many paths to find any truth. The search into human kind and the true spirit of nature is a long journey. We are all ignorant in the awesome shadow of the divine. I totally agree with your Wicked Ways...you GO girl!! Besides people that get all up in arms about ceremony in my book are just power hungry people that have control issues. If someone is to learn something from you..it should be a gift freely given..not shoved down your gullett...we may as well be Christian for that matter.
Comment by Ffawn on November 16, 2008 at 10:01pm
Well Said!
Comment by Avy on November 16, 2008 at 4:54pm
Good for you!

Much Love

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