Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I have a twin. She's frickin AWESOME!!!! She's not really my twin, but she should be. Really. We have so much in common.

Favorite Colors: Green and purple

Favorite Number: 4

Style: Light Scene :) Everything like a scenie but the HAIR!

Things We Did Yesterday: Broke down 3 times (cried twice) and then made a 93 on our US History test

Random Yet Obvious Fact: We say the same things at the same time. A lot.

Another Random Yet Obvious Fact: Rock, paper, scissors is pretty freaky.

Random Yet Not-So-Obvious Fact: We both like clawing... SHHHH... tell no one. :)

Home Planet: We both say it's Venus. We did NOT come up with that together.

Birthday: Mine's October 4. Hers is December 4. We say that our birthday is November 4.

Car of Choice: BATMOBILE!

Boy of Choice (at the moment): Hybrid (Black and White) Pothead!

That's not all... But it'll do for now. I'm sleepy.

Views: 32


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