Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

On November25th I experienced an awakening. In a way it almost played out like a coming of age ceremony only or castrated by the God's/Goddesses, and ancient spirits (in my case The God of Fire Lou, The Moon Goddess Luna, Hecate, and the ancient spirits of the storm which I work with closely) First it was a beautiful lightning and thunderstorm yet it was a calm one, then it was supposed to snow, but instead it rained and just before night came a beautiful sunset emerged. Then on the way home, the moon was huge and yellow and as the color faded to more white the clouds parted and the peaceful night came about revealing stars in the sky. So far I have experianced a new energy placed inside me which I was told by my patron/Mother Goddess Hecate that it was part of my inheratance. Another part of it was feeling different flows of energy pass through me, and a vision of a date, 9/7/2013, when I asked my patron about the date, Hecate told me that if I truly wanted to know that I would have to find out though someone else. That said I asked a blood witch (a pagan/wiccan who uses her own blood (sparingly) for some of her own rituals) I was told by her that on that date I would have a daughter. While I know not for certain if that will be the case, I know something big that will affect me will happen for sure on that date. I can feel it in my blood coursing through my veins and every nerve of my body at that.

Slowly but surely other life altering thins are transpiring around me as well. I don't know exactly what will happen during this time, but I look foreword to it.....No more then that. I welcome, and embrace this change in hopes that it will improve my way of life for the better.

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Comment by Cameron S. on December 22, 2010 at 9:38pm
I would consider  talking to people about Alaskan shamans or medicine men or Google searching information about them. That might be helpful. Fire is my natural element, and I have always been attuned to it it's pretty natural for me honestly...
Comment by ranoc on December 15, 2010 at 4:43pm

i am now living in alaska a white boy age 14 i have lived in alaska my whole life my family moved here in gold rush times a long time ago and i noticed that you talked to a blood witch , and i have never seen a witch in alaska before so i was wondering if you could some how help me obtain and know how to use powerfull elemental magic fire or electricity by asking a witch questions like what i should do to obtain my goal... thank you.

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