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My car was egged and written on it was WITCH

Tonight i go out to smoke a cigarette and discover that my car has been egged and written on it was the word "Witch"! Gee, i wonder why I was targeted???? I am really disapointed. I moved to a small town six months ago. I have good friends here now but still notice people giving me dirty looks because of my piercings and visable pagan tattoos. But i expected that. not all people are judgemental but some still are and i knew i had to deal with that!! But for somebody to come to my house and egg my car and write witch on it was not something i expected. This has happened to me before- in my old town, but it was my house and it was spray painted. thankfully that didnt happen this time- thank to goddess for small favors, right? I cant really be mad right now because i am too shocked, but im sure i will be pissed tommorrow when i have to clean that off. Luckly the people didn't know what they were doing and used washable markers- another small favor. *sigh* idk- im disapointed in people right now. I feel like i am a nice person, i listen and respect other peoples religion and dont preach my own. i dont know how people can be so mean and judgemental. it is really upsetting. A little part of me died while discovering my car covered in egg goo. The part that had hope for man-kind accepting pagans fully one day. I know this was probably only one or two people who made a bad discision, but i cant help but feel that way. I want to cry- but not for me or my car, but for pagans in general who go through this kind of thing. The fact that this still happens is so...... idk...... disapointing. I know compared to the witch burnings and jew pursecutions this is nothing- but it kills a part of you just the same.

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Comment by Autumn on January 30, 2009 at 4:00pm
That is absolutely horrid. I'm deeply saddened (and mortified!) by this act of wrongfulness, especially because of your beautifully kind and respectful nature. you ARE a wonderful person; some people might never accept or realize this because of your faith. the Way is not for everyone, and often, we are eradicated from the social stratus because of major lack of acceptance for anyone who walks a different path. the beautiful part is. ... . we know joys that they might not ever know. turn that frown upside-down, love.
Comment by WICKED ONE on January 26, 2009 at 8:24pm

keep you'r head up i don't know you but i send you my love if you ever need to talk email me i'm always here. i am so sorry you are hurting.just remember you are a good person i know this because of how you are handling it. i'd be so angry .i have a hard time being patient with stupid mean hurtful people.you are taking it better than i could.i'm proud to be a witch and now that i'm not afaid to be who and what i am,it's not hard for me to let others know.i use to be a closet witch now if i could i'd yell it from my roof top (scared of hights)lol i pray to the mother to look over you and give you peace.i send you my blessings blessed be
Comment by Aideen Ailbe Tiger on January 5, 2009 at 4:08pm
I am so sorry this happened to you. I understand what you feel, I've been there. Don't let this change the wonderful person you are. Keep positive and you're right better be safe than sorry. Take care
Blessed be
Comment by Cassandra on January 5, 2009 at 6:16am
I'm sorry for what happened and I hope you feel better now. To say the truth I don't know what you are/were feeling because that hasn't happened to me before. Well, not because of my religion, but because of other things. When i was in high school people kept messing up my cars too. I was mad because i worked hard for my things and to have someone break, scratch, etc. them is just wrong. All I can say is that those people are very immature and disrespectful. They have their eyes closed and go around seeing nothing but darkness and hear just what they want to hear. I hope that the police did something if you reported it. Also, don't let those people's actions get you down. Just remember that there are people who know you for you and love you. Smile (-k-) ^_^
Comment by PaganKsMom on January 4, 2009 at 11:41am
Remember all great journeys begin with a single step.
Comment by PaganKsMom on January 4, 2009 at 11:39am
I hope that you reported this to the local police luv. I know that it is something hard to deal with and it should never happen to anyone. But unfortunately Ks is the way it is *sigh*. I live in Wichita....but still there are those that choose to believe what they will. If you have not reported this I highly suggest that you do. If the local officers give you trouble there is a great organization that is for situations just like this one. It is called Officers of Avalon. Their quest is to work with law enforcment officials and educate them about the pagan faith. Here is their website should you need it. http://www.officersofavalon.com/ Best wishes to you luv. Let's all just keep working towards the best outcome with those who would persecute us.

Love and light.
Comment by EPOH on January 4, 2009 at 7:58am
It is a sad time in this world when sheeple(people) are brainwashed into into thinking what is right and wrong. or good and bad. it a shame sheeple are not openminded enough to understand other cultures or religions. I don't think that I will live to see the day when that does happen. I came to the decision a long time ago that i wasn't like other people and knew that i have to live with that diversity. you seem like you did too. so things like this just make us stonger. hopefully done some protection spells to keep you and your family safe.

stay witch-o-licious!!!
blessed be!!
Comment by Earth lover on January 3, 2009 at 8:06pm
I am so sorry you are going though this from my 29 years on this earth and the fact that i am in a wheelchair plus that i am Wicca, well people are afraid of what they don't know and don't understand. and react badly for that. I grow up in a small town and hon let me tell you my nambers looked and still do, if your not like them it is sad that it is a fact of life but maybe someday i hope we can all pull together and change that.. good luck!!! keep me posted
Comment by layla on January 3, 2009 at 4:49pm
Alright hun. Did you see what kinda car followed you home? If you can give the police some type of discription, they can keep a look out.It's not a bad idea. You don't have to let them know that you really are a witch, just say you noticed some one following you and then that happened. It could be for any reason. Best of all you should take pictures of the damage so that when or if they find them you can press charges and sue. Just a thought. I don't think it's a bad idea that you go to the police. If you don't it could turn worse. They could do a lot more damage. I really hope not, but it is a possability. My prayers and thoughts are always with. Let me know if you need anything. Blessed be.
Comment by Jade on January 3, 2009 at 4:32pm
i haven't talked to the police. my parents dont think its a good idea. But we asked our neighboors to keep a watch out and let us know if there is anything suspicious activity. The scary thing is no one really knows where i live, and i remember a car behind me the whole way home that night- up until i pulled in the drive way- so i think i was followed. Thank the goddess i wasn't hurt. They could have taken it out on me and not just my car. So i am going to carry pepperspray with me from now on and hope that works. thank you guys for all your support- i am probably just worring for nothing- but better safe then sorry!

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