Through the eyes of the Dead…(Fiction?)
Looking through the eyes of the dead is frustrating and maddening. It’s like looking through cataract filled eye’s with everything so blurry and dark. It’s like your voice is muffled and your talking underwater. You can see certain people wandering around but even though they see you they are lost in their own thoughts, dismay or flat out have lost their mind. The people you can tell are alive are oblivious to your presence and walk right through you as if your air. This can make you feel nauseas and vomit, or rather; it could if you had a body. But you don’t. Not anymore. It’s so confusing because your mind is so much more agile than it used to be. You can think about a place and have the memory feel so vivid and real so much so that all of a sudden you are right where you envisioned yourself to be. You can think of someone and remember them so much that all of a sudden you will be right next to them no matter how far they were from you when you died. All the emotions you felt when you were alive will seem to flood your entire being and they will be a thousand times stronger as if they know you won’t be able to feel them again so they become almost alive with tremendous presence. Most souls say their goodbyes and enter the light. The light is always inviting and safe. No judgements or reprisals. It is everybody's home. Everybodies.
There are souls on the other side that never were alive in the first place. Some aren’t even human. You can see them walking and the lost mindless souls that haven’t made peace with themselves or their living follow these ancient inhuman beings out of a fear of being alone. Out of a fear of not having a purpose or a fear of being judged. You can see a stream of energy from the inhuman beings connecting to these lost souls. Very faint but there as if it is linked to every one of them and keeping them in a trance. Here, you can see the spirit of trees, the spirit of birds, and the spirit of everything you would have never thought was alive when you were. It’s odd, but when you’re alive you think your life is the center of things and all things revolve around you but when you’re dead you finally realize that you where just one fragment of a larger living creation that revolved around everything else. You realize that everything living or dead is based on connectivity. When you being to understand certain things about this murky world you start feeling a pull. This pull usually comes with seeing a strand of light similar to what was connecting those lost people to that inhuman, but this strand of light is different. It’s much brighter and it feels like when you’re a child and lost and you see your mother or father after thinking you were going to be alone forever. It feels like the strongest relief ever. If you look into the doorway long enough you will see loved ones, like friends that had passed away, family members, relatives even people that you didn’t know in life but you still remember from someplace else or some time else. It doesn’t rush you either, the door closes but it always comes back right when you want it or need it the most.
Some inhuman spirits try to recruit you. They ask if you are lost and need help. You can ignore them but if they become insistent you tell them to go away and that you are not interested. They usually leave you alone. They can only tamper with willing or weak souls. They usually have a fit but leave you be. You can pray and they just laugh and disappear. Some of them are older than some religions but they get the message that you want to be left alone so they leave.
There are some spirits here on this side that are fully conscious and try to make a life for themselves here for whatever reason. Fear of entering the light, fear of the unknown or protecting souls that have been enslaved by the inhuman spirits. Yeah, you can fight an inhuman spirit but you have to have had some spiritual ability in life and carried that over to this side. Some have and they have an uncanny knowledge of this netherworld. They can cause great harm to an inhuman spirit and cross over those under the inhuman sway. These protectors choose to stay out of their own volition but can leave at any time. The Protectors that have great command over energy in this world are those that always have had an affinity for the dead in life. Sometimes the living come in to this realm via dreams. They don’t know it’s a dream because it looks so much like their world. Truthfully it does but this world is more like a shade of their world. Where everything dead or intangible exists until they cross over into the light.
There are inhuman spirits here that are good too. They teach and prepare souls to cross over. They take care of the young spirits who have difficulty understanding the transition process. They protect the new souls that have recently died from the dark ones who just want to use them for their energy and light. The good inhuman spirits have a wealth of energy and heal the lost souls and nurse them back to a state where they are conscious and able to cross over in to the light without fear. The longer you stay in the world of dead the less visible the world of the living becomes. You will only be able to catch faint images or impressions of the living.
There are special magic’s or spiritual techniques that some older dead know how to do. Such as feeding on life force to penetrate the physical realm or interact with it and communicate with the living. You can will the energy of a particular living person in to you and drain that living person. But the process is exhausting if you don’t have the discipline or tolerance for it. You can oppress or influence a living person to do what you want him or her to do. Similar to what the inhuman entity does for the exception that the living person is alive and still under your thrall. Only the strong spirits or the inhuman ones who envy the living can possess. It is a major law to break on this side and those that are caught are taken away either by really dark entities or really bright ones. Both hurt to look at that and the energy around them feels so heavy that you feel like you’re being crushed. Until you remember that you have no body. You can only possess someone that you have fed on for a long time and that you have influenced. They will be so weak and around them there will be holes into the physical that you can jump through to the world of the living. You still will not have a body but you will be able to navigate easier because the world of the living has so much energy all around it that you will be able to more than in the spirit world.
When some people die they don’t pass into the spirit world. They attach themselves to a living person and end up staying in the physical plane. They can’t interact with anybody only the spirits that somehow stayed or jumped back to the world of the physical and remained here. Mostly these are spirits that don’t recognize that they are dead. Other’s stay because they don’t want to leave their loved ones and there are those who just don’t want to leave because they are scared of the transition process. Remaining in the physical world without a body can drive you mad. Worse it can drive the ones you love mad as well. This is because they can feel you as if you are their but cannot connect with you because you are ethereal and they are corporeal. It is hell to know you’re just an inch form each other and all the while two dimensions away. A psychic, medium or spiritualists power is a part of them so they will have the same capabilities on the other side and they might even be stronger since the physical world is much denser and the spirit world isn’t. There are rules in the world of shade and I broke one sharing this with you.
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