Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


a) What is the reason for the ritual? b) Is your motives pure? What is the desired effect? c) Is your heart and will in the casting of this ritual? d) What ingredients will you need? e) What tools will you need? f) What will be the set up and arrangement? e) Where will you perform the ritual? (NEVER SUMMON A DARK ENTITY TO WITNESS YOUR RITUAL IN YOUR HOME. NO MATTER HOW STRONG THE BINDINGS, YOUR SKILL, YOUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE OR HOW STRONG YOUR BANISHINGS. THEY WILL NOT LEAVE AND THEY WILL WREAK HAVOC ON YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES.)
a) Light a white candle for purity and purification. b) Cut a little hair from your head. (Just a little!) c) burn it in the candle and say: “Me purus de omnis malum!” TRANSLATION: “I am free from all evil!” d) Clap your hands as hard as you can and visualize lightening exploding from your hands shining through the complete area of your ritual space and say: “Cum mea tonitrus et fulgeo de fulgur, te expellere omnis malum de mea domus. Cum Decem Nomens de Deus, Audire me omnis malum! Te expellere!” TRANSLATION: “By my thunder and flash of lightening, I expel all evil from my home. By the ten names of GOD, hear me all evil! I expel you!” (CLAP AS YOU SAY EACH OF THE NAMES OF GOD.) e) Speak the ten names of GOD. *(Prefix) Aramaic & Hebrew fusion. ELAH EHEDEH ELAH YOD HE VAU HEH ELAH TETRAGRAMMATON-ELOHIM ELAH EL ELAH EHOLIM-GIBOR ELAH ELOAH VA-DAATH ELAH EL ADONAI TZABAOTH ELAH ELOHIM TZABAOTH ELAH TZADDAI AL CHAI ELAH ADONAI HA ARETZ f) light Incense g) Arrange your now sacred ceremonial space.
This is the part where you invoke the Goddess archetype. You can tweak this Incantation by changing the Goddess name to any archtype you feel comfortable with. Though, the four directional energies in this ritual, are personified by their Qabbalistic corresponding gatekeepers, you can feel free to substitute them as well with your own guardians of the watchtowers and use whatever language or evocation you so choose using the one below as a template. Or Leave it as is. a)
Cum potesti de Hekate! Titanide de ostiumi et porti et veneficus magia, Cum Mea imperium! Apertus omnis porti et ostiumi de Septentrion. Omnis Porti et Ostiumi de Sol, ignis, accendo, Lumen Primoris, ignis primoris ac lumen de ignis de astri. Te voco custodis porta de Septentrion. Arccesso angelus Michael Shemeshel, Shamash audire mihi! Tuus potestas, mea potestas, tuus sapientia ,mea sapientia. Invictus subter, Cum supra , ita subter!
By the powers of Hekate! Titaness of all doors, gates and witchcraft, I command! Open all gates and doors of the North! All gates and doors of the sun, fire, enlightenment, the first light, the first fire and light of the fire of stars! I call thee Warden of the Gate of the North! Archangel Michael Shemeshel-Shamash. Hear me! Your powers, my powers, your wisdom, my wisdom. Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above, so below.
b) Cum potesti de Hekate! Titanide de ostiumi et porti et veneficus magia, cum mea imperium! Apertus omnis porti et ostiumi de Orientis. Omnis Porti et Ostiumi de Hydragyrum., aer, velox, Ventus, psyche, caelum et Spiro Primoris et communicare. Te voco custodis porta de Orientis. Arccesso angelus Raphael Ruachel,Curator de curatio per deus creator! audire mihi! Tuus potestas, mea potestas, tuus sapientia ,mea sapientia. Invictus subter, Cum supra , ita subter!
By the powers of Hekate! Titaness of all doors, gates and witchcraft, I command! Open all gates and doors of the east! All gates and doors of Mercury, air, speed, wind, mind, sky, the first breath and communication! I call thee Warden of the Gate of the East! Archangel Raphael Ruachel, Overseer of healing for God the creator. Hear me! Your powers, my powers, your wisdom, my wisdom. Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above, so below.
c) Cum potesti de Hekate! Titanide de ostiumi et porti et veneficus magia, cum mea imperium! Apertus omnis porti et ostiumi de Meridianus. Omnis Porti et Ostiumi de terra verdis, botanicus, Arbori, bestia, agricola et mundus de materia. Te voco custodis porta de Meridianus. Arccesso angelus Uriel Aretziel! Audire mihi! Tuus potestas, mea potestas, tuus sapientia ,mea sapientia. Invictus subter, Cum supra , ita subter!
By the powers of Hekate! Titaness of all doors, gates and witchcraft, I command! Open all gates and doors of the South! All gates and doors of the Green Earth, the Father, plants, trees, animals, agriculture and the material world. I call thee Warden of the Gate of the South! Archangel Raphael Ruachel, Overseer of healing for God the creator. Hear me! Your powers, my powers, your wisdom, my wisdom. Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above, so below.
d) Cum potesti de Hekate! Titanide de ostiumi et porti et veneficus magia, cum mea imperium! Apertus omnis porti et ostiumi de Occidens. Omnis Porti et Ostiumi de la Luna, aqua, affectus, mater, mare et mysterium. Te voco custodis porta de Occidens. Arccesso angelus Gabriel Levanael! Audire mihi! Tuus potestas, mea potestas, tuus sapientia ,mea sapientia. Invictus supra, Invictus subter, Cum supra , ita subter!
By the powers of Hekate! Titaness of all doors, gates and witchcraft, I command! Open all gates and doors of the West! All gates and doors of the Moon, Water, feelings, the Mother, the sea and mystery. I call thee Warden of the Gate of the West! Archangel Gabriel Levanael, Hear me! Your powers, my powers, your wisdom, my wisdom. Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above, so below.
Here is where you speak aloud what you will and what you want and perform a sympathetic ritual or a symbolic act which directly relates to what you will and want. (This has to be done with concentration, passion, will and intense conviction.) You can commune with the energies and introduce yourself to them. You can also protect yourself or others, pray, meditate, think, raise power for yourself or others or drink from the wisdom of those before you and those who have ascended. You can pretty much do anything here with a symbolic act.
Here is where you end the ritual by bidding the all energies you have summoned to leave that they may have a chance to manifest all that you have thought, concentratedon, worked on, and mimic the symbolic act that you did. Here is where you also close any and all gates and doors that have been opened as well. Sometimes energies magical energies punch holes into other dimensions that you do not need. Their energies can “Run amuck” and cause major problems with no real way to round them up and check them without the help of an experienced Adept. So, CLOSE ALL GATES AND DOORS BEHIND YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE!
Audire me Sacer Titanide Hekate! Titanide de omnis porti, ostiumi et veneficus magia! Clausus omnis porti et clauses omnis ostiumi! Cum audentia et paesentia de Deus et angeli Michael shemeshel de septentrion, Raphael Ruachel de Orientis, Uriel Aretziel de Meridianus, Gabriel Levanael de Occidens Audire mihi! Servo mihi perpetualis tutela meus viscus ex vulnero tutela meus animus ex malum contego mihi ex hosti meus. Gratias ad omnis angeli, dei, titani, mairori, espiriti de natura et gratias ad creator. Dare me signum ad revelare tuus audentia et praesentia! Dare me signum ad revelare tuus audentia et praesentia! Dare me signum ad revelare tuus audentia et praesentia! Me, clausus omnis ostiumi et porti ad licet meus incantatio vis vita into mea vis vita pro omnis aeternitas! Invictus subter, Cum supra , ita subter! Invictus supra, Invictus subter, Cum supra, ita subter!
Hear me Sacred Titaness Hekate! Titaness of all gates and doorways. Close the all the gates and close all the doors. By the audience and presence of God and angels, Michael Shemeshel of the North, Raphael Ruachel of the East, Uriel Aretziel of the South and Gabriel Levanael of the West, Hear me! Watch over me perpetually, protect my heart from harm, Protect my soul /spirit from evil and shield me from my enemies! Thank you to all angels, Gods, Titans, Ancestors, spirits of nature and thank you to the Creator. Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! Give me a sign to reveal your audience and presence! I close the doors and the gates to allow my incantation strong life in my strong life for all eternity! Undefeatable above, Undefeatable below, as above so below!

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