Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


I am so blessed that my true friends are never jealous of me. They just accept me as I am and I them. Jealousy accomplishes nothing. I think this emotion out of all the others is the most hilarious. I honestly do. I mean really? You’re going to waste time from your life being angry and wanting what another person has or has accomplished? Really? You are not even going to make any attempt in achieving any type of happiness for yourself that may be equal to or at the very least comparable to the person you’re jealous of? This breaks the boundaries of the realms of the pathetic and mediocre. It’s just fucking silly.

Lately I have been noticing people whom are seriously jealous of me. Crazy right?! I know! Yeah, me! I honestly don’t get it all. I am a Case Coordinator which is basically a social worker without the title and making less money than a social worker which is next to nothing anyways. On top of that I am a Mexican, African American Drag Queen that takes care of his mother. But, yet I have people that try to take credit for my works, my words, my accomplishments, people whom have to throw shade on me or tarnish my image in their conversations just so they can feel important. So called friends that can’t give me a compliment because they feel it somehow diminishes their standing to do so. These people are the ones who have a need to hate on me to my friends and become shocked that my friends tell me. These are the same people that smile at me and front like their cool with me when at base? All they are is silly little haters who are as insignificant as a flea on a dirty dogs dick. (Sorry for the visual.)

So, I may be a Drag Queen. I am proud of it. I am proud to be Mexican. I am Proud to be African American. I may not have as much as others and I do take care of my mother. I'm proud of that too. All in all I am happy. I am not like “shitting confetti let’s have a party every fucking day cause I’m the shit!!” happy but I’m better than okay. I may not have what I want most of the time but I always have what I need all the time. I usually share it too. So, I can’t help but to think “Fuck I must be doing something right if I got these haters working overtime on my ass.” It’s just so funny. Stupid as fuck mind you, but still very funny.

People who used to be friends throwing dirty looks, then when I am surrounded by people they are filled with smiles and joyous hugs. Others making fake ass promises that they have no intentions of keeping just to look good in front of people. Always acting as if there are cameras or paparazzi about. I may play coy but I know exactly who the fuck you are and your all silly bitch ass bitter nematodes who use drugs as currency and are morally and ethically bankrupt. You fake ass bitches make me laugh.

I am glad I am ghetto. At least I am real and what you see is exactly what you get. I got bomb friends. My Mom, Patrick, Bob, Cesar, Marcus, Angela, Stacy, The other Stacy, Nancy just to name a few but I have a plentitude more. Those that like my complicated bitchy ass every day. I don’t have to score drugs for them, hook up with them, hook them up with someone else, I don’t have to sacrifice my essential dignity or pride for them nor do they have to do these things for me. I accept them and they accept me. Sometimes I admit I don’t know why they accept me because I am not that lovable sometimes but they do and I love them all. Very Much. So just remember, jealousy has a street name: It’s called “bitchassedness” It’s quickly becoming a social pandemic. You might want to check your self because you could end up getting checked.

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